Monday, August 05, 2013

betty blast emancipate

Success in life comes not from holding a good hand, 
but in playing a poor hand well.  Denis Waitley

Horrors got me again:  You're roaring with anticipation this morning, as if you were on the edge of something wonderful. However, you intuitively recognize that you can't just push your way into whatever is next. Instead, prepare yourself by putting your house in order. Fastidious mental housekeeping now helps to ensure your success over the days following tomorrow's Leo New Moon. Channel your enthusiasm into tying up as many loose ends as possible so you're ready to go.

Yup, I am going from closet to refrigerator (sauteing all the onions left over from VT) to stashing a few sewing things-  I learned my lesson when I discovered I had no white thread trying to hem a curtain!  I have Goodwill bags ready to go, I have two FedEx boxes ready to mail, and trash galore.  I know this is never-ending but since my time limit is today I need to get going on these details.  Meanwhile TY keeps finding additional ways of me to spend my time-  for instance next we have to go TOGETHER to a Comcast office so he can get rid of some services.  They won't listen to him, it's in my name!  So now I have to go prove who I am so HE can delete HBO or whatever he's deleting.  We're changing it to his name-  I am so tired of this.  Maybe he will pay the ridiculous bills now too.  

So, heigh ho, heigh ho, it's off to work I go.  I have some cool things to show you so will try to get it up soon:

Diamonds broken up in new ways

full studio panorama showing the various sizes of her new diamond series

and a little vignette of how the sketches start it.
On the extremely prolific Joanne Mattera Art Blog: A Peek Into My Studio, some pictures from her studio showing her latest series development.  Check this out for what I mean when I always chant :  DO THE WORK!  If you get a chance follow the blog back to see how the diamond shape evolved as well as her excellent coverage on galleries and art fairs.

Berlin-based Italian artist Gemis Luciani manipulates and re-assembles phone books transforming them into intricately designed sculptures. Through his work Luciani explores the relationship between word and image in the visual representation of urban spaces. Via his site, "The work’s transformation, the shape’s durability and its persistence in time are all defined by the exhaustion of the formal possibilities offered by their pages’ sharp cut."  

Pablo Picasso's Studio and his formidable self standing guard.  Or hey, maybe this is the taxidermied Pablo?  Could be. 

Better Red or Dead-  or maybe both?
A box of birds, red ones, from Pinterest.  Red, another favorite color.  Who needs all these beautiful birds dead?  Not me.

And because we are speaking well of the dead, ho do you like these guys.  Too bad it isn't on water to look even MORE realistic.  And maybe it would sink.  Yes, taxidermied raccoons for your viewing pleasure, with thanks to a weird animal collector suppling my blog from afar, Ms. Pruett, bless her heart...

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