Monday, September 02, 2013

aroma contretemps kruse

Give a man a free hand and he'll run it all over you. Mae West

Cross stitch on pegboard-  how cool is that?

Athleticism in Animals, today's topic:

vintage postcard

and a bunch of bears from Mr Xstitch
Untitled by Spider’s Paw

Ursa Minor (with LED lights!) by Shannon Henry

Nothing New to See Here by Follow the White Bunny 

Bear by Sewphie T

Do not lay rubber while traveling in a funeral procession.

And a couple my own bear quilts
 Bare Clause

Bear Collage 

Maine  (just 1 block with nothing left but seams)

 Bare Pause


All of these contain parts of a set of old Bear paw blocks I found in hideous black and brown antique prints.  I have used them in so many quilt, for some reason they drove me on to use them all! Actually I think there are two more...somewhere... I'll look.

Covey's 1990's seven habits of highly effective and successful artists are:

4. Being persistent face of adversit
Most people face adversity and quit. People who get past the adversity do so because they persist towards their goal. Persistence is the difference between a successful artist and an artist who quits.

Oh dear, it's squirrel time already...

say g'nite, Sandy.

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