Friday, September 13, 2013

perish French socialized

"I don't see craft as something you make, but rather something you need to achieve good art."

Dawn Detarando
I took off early today for the studio so I could get the place cleaned up after the whirlwind work there.  I need to empty big trash bags and clean up after the spiders again as well as make labels and roll up quilts to stash away.  I was ony there an hour when I got an appointment for Pepper at the vet.  Let's just say it looks like he got into a beet patch for dinner last night, so I got a little scared and called the vet.  They wanted a sample, they wanted then to see him, and give him $89 worth of antibiotics and probiotics to get his little system balanced up.  He, needless to say was a anxious whirling dervish/dog.  But he is now sleeping comfortably and he's stopped crying and mouth breathing.

Didn't get anything done.  Now I'm too tired from being up at 5 again.  I'm calling it quits and sitting down to REknit what I UNknit twice now.  Usually it takes me 3 tries before I get in the rhythm of whatever I'm making so this should be the last try.  Wish me luck. 

Artist Elisabeth Lecourt makes clothes made from paper maps folded and attached together.

Mimi Kirchner's amazing tattooed dolls, the best use ever of toile fabric.  I've shown you a few of these before but she is so prolific and keeps turning out more and better.  AND I found out she's a Boston gal so therefore I will boost all I want!  These guys, BTW, are bigger than you think.  Go look at her webssite for some hanging on a wall.  And of course to see much more.

Nice segue here to the thousand or so foxes Mimi has done, all wearing cute little coats.  Next we find out what they say!

I posted their Stonehenge video the other day, but this one that got all the buzz still cracks me up so I'm going to put it here even though you've all seen it, it's been on the evening news, and posted all over Facebook.  Tough.  I am in love with these guys!  just go past it if you must but I bet you will laugh again this time if you sit through it.  For me?

squirrel needs a manicure, or maybe at least a squirlicure

1 comment :

Mary Beth Frezon said...

Damn you. I want, nay, I need that tshirt.