Art attracts us only by what it reveals of our most secret self. Jean-Luc Godard
I did mention I finished the last golf cover sock, didn't I? I turn it in tomorrow and hope it brings a bid or two at the Play for the Pink tournament. Now remind me that I won't do projects like that any more. I'll give cash because the hours I spent on those damn golf covers won't bring any where near what they are worth if I charged for my time. That's how I feel for other charity plans too, if I feel it's a good charity I want to contribute to, I'll write a check. Anyway, done!
Polka-dotty cover waiting for a naked driver. The tassel on top is really much fuller, I think the white strands are disappearing. If you don't have a driver, it makes a nice hand puppet.
I got only one entry done for upcoming shows. I got mired in photoshop hell trying to get a second one out, and never made it. Whatever could go wrong DID go wrong. Battery died, photoshop quit, upgrade interfered, and I spent the day in short segments that weren't very satisfying.
Tomorrow I get the two-weeks late haircut and have my stitch group in the morning. I hope it allows me a bit of studio time but we are going out at 6 tomorrow night so I wonder if it will be worth it. Can't get to much on these drive-by days. Anyway, I am doing my best to get back on track. And light up your life with THESE:
Today it's all about NEON
well maybe not 'all about', maybe just the neon stuff I have collected the last few days. Its so odd how things arrive in clumps. So, here's the neon clump:
Chris Bracey's Signs: God’s Own Junkyard, Unit 12, Ravenswood, Industrial Estate Shernhall Street London E17 9HQ. Blindingly brilliant: a new, more spacious home has been secured on a nearby industrial estate, offering four times as much room to showcase Bracey’s work, ranging from iconic signs for Hollywood blockbusters like ‘The Dark Knight’ and ‘Iron Man’ to commissions for fashion heavyweights Burberry and McQueen, as well as his collaborations with artists Martin Creed and David LaChapelle.
Los Angeles-bChinese artist Lu Xinjian has been inspired by maps and cities for years, often collected in his increasingly large-scale acrylic on canvas series City DNA. But his newest work City Light expands on these inspirations, taking the flat abstractions and mounting them onto the wall with neon.
Using Google Earth images of the artist’s current home, the sprawling metropolis of Shanghai, Xinjian renders the map loosely in his abstract style. The resulting plans are rendered in neon on a solid black background, and run on a flash program which controls the timing of each area’s lines being illuminated.
San Francisco-based metalsmith and neon artist Meryl Pataky has shared with us some behind-the-scenes moments from her studio, as she gears up for her next solo project, Cellar Door.
Working exclusively with elements from the periodic table, Pataky uses a collision of phrase and loose linework to give life to her concepts—silver, copper, iron, carbon, neon and all of the noble gases are integral to her investigations. For her latest collection of work, Pataky is creating a series of signage-based installations that attempt to coexist with natural elemen
Los Angeles-based artist Patrick Martinez (previously featured here) not only works with the messages that are seen daily on Any Major Inner City Street USA, he also uses the favored communication method of the majority of these messages to give additional contextual weight to his artistic turns of phrases. While Martinez has been lauded as The Man in Art & Design 2013 (Complex Magazine), Latinos on the Rise as well as Artist on the Rise at Scope Miami, it seems to sell the artist’s work short by boxing it in to an ethnic or inner-city-only messages, considering the crux of his work focuses on themes (consumerism, globalism, mental and physical health, violence, money, race, and a multi-cultural future) which effect the broadest ranges of a global society.
No more neon, hope you liked it. But now it's SQUIRREL time!

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