Yippee, I don't have to add another quote today. There is something very funny going on with Blogger. My stats show the typical numbers but when I look at the graph, it shows way over a thousand hits lately every day. I know this isn't true, but hey, it's fun to look at, feel like I'm playing in a bigger arena.
And speaking of arenas, I spent the day working on my first Rant today, have it all formatted as a pdf so will try to post it as that when February 1 comes around. Sure would be easier. If that doesn't work, how would you feel about emailing me and I would send by return mail? I
ll try to post it as is and see what happens. Tried, failed. Oh oh. I'll work on it and let you know.
Yesterday I got frustrated with the knitting I resumed on the lace vest- I have one side almost done on #2 needles but somewhere along the way I've made some mistakes. A woman sat next to me and asked about ripping out HER Aran knit afghan project and I dissuaded her, but then started to feel guilty about keeping mine with some major errors. So I spent an hour ripping it out to the bottom. I'll rewrite the instructions to something I can better understand since I don't do well reading forwards and backwards at the same time. And start over. Wahhhhh.
Today I actually was in the studio from about 10 until 4. I'm coming back from my time away, going to finish up a few things I've got going there and then blitz the place and clean it all up and start over. I am thinking it's such a mess that even *I* don't want to be there! Might do a bigger cleaning out than just tidying up this time. I am out of space, and that's a dirty rotten shame considering the space I have. I'm embarrassed.
Thursday Morning, late publishing the post from last night, sorry. We went to a wine tasting where, lets face it, I tasted a bit too much and fell right into bed when I got home. Then this morning I had to get out of here at dawn to make it to the dentist. I'm ticking off one by one all these appointments I've put off, just have the mammogram to go and I think I'll book that next week. Then I'll be free for a bit of time, which means it's probable time to head back to Boston. The treadmill. So I have diversions for all of us:
I loved these collage images of everyday stuff enclosing old portraiture. Then he takes a photograph of the whole thing and here you have the painting/collage/photograph/assemblage results!
No, this is not me after my wine tasting.
Photographer Zeren Badar explores photography, painting, design, and collage work in his “Accident Series” project. For this project, Badar combines images and objects in a curious juxtaposition of form and content. His incorporation of prints of old paintings, food, accessories, decorations, and other objects results in peculiar and richly textured 3D collages that evoke a Dadaist aesthetic. Badar compares his work to Duchamp’s readymades, explaining, “By using unexpected juxtapositions of objects, I try to create ambiguity and pull viewers attention deeper to my photographs.In many ways, I examine new type of way still life.” Originally from Turkey, Badar now lives and works in New York City.
Brooklyn-based artist Hiromi Niizeki transforms detritus into stunning and complex works of art. Her latest project titled “LOVES” involves photos of discarded chewing gum found on the streets of the five boroughs of New York City, as well as locations around the world. Using just her own cell phone camera for documentation, Niizeki has been obsessively photographing the naturally occurring HEART shapes, which have formed by mere coincidence.
Ancient Meissen unearthed ceramic art, with gold. All about Squirrel IDEAS. Doesn't seem to have a cord, so perhaps mental telepathy is used? As is. Bring your own brain waves.

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