Saturday, February 15, 2014

dido biochemic cloven

Creativity is the defeat of habit by originality.   Arthur Koestler

Still steering the blind dog around by her new harness.  We were told by the Sea Lion Eye vet that collars can be dangerous to cataract patients because they can cut off nerves to the eyes, so a harness it is.  But as soon as I let go of her, she veers off and crashes her head into the corner point of the coffee table or the edge of a doorway or gets caught at the back of a couch which suddenly lurches up and stops her in her tracks like a smaller softer Berlin wall.  Today I am 'blind-proofing' the place for 'Little Molly Wonder' in hopes that on Tuesday after her operation I can un-do all the precautions.  Meanwhile the Dark Dog is being terrific with her and I have even witnessed some nose touching, unheard of with these two.  The last two days have been in the 60's and I've had all the doors open to the winds-  Dark Dog is having a ball running in and out at will and even barking (he doesn't bark at all but has been taking some lessons lately from his sister) at squirrels upon the palm trees.  He tries to climb in a pathetic way.  OK, that's the doggie news.
HORRORS!    Your current practical demeanor makes it easier to pay serious attention to your regular routines. However, even your best ideas must work within the context of everyone's plans if you are to be successful now. It may feel demeaning when you have to play by other people's rules, but the minor discomfort is worth it in the long run. If you have something useful to offer today, find enough humility to share your brilliance without having to take credit for the outcome.
I have some free time today so am headed for the studio to do another couple of rows on the Land'escape quilt.  Don't know where this might be going, but I have to plug along until I do know.  Hey, if it doesn't work out, I will make a bag out of it.  Yesterday I got asked to jury a show happening this summer and I'm looking forward to it-  it's been a long time, it's near the kids, and it's a show I've been in a few times that is usually pretty good.  What's the downside?  I can't think of any.  I have plenty of time to find a cheap ticket.  So when you see those shows on the lists of entry possibilities, ENTER!  That's more than I've been doing lately.

I did enter a show at the end of January and sure hope I get in-  I received a letter from them this past week and was excited to open it, but all it said was that they received my application.  Bummer, they don't notify until mid-March.  Fake-out.

Street artists Zebrating are an incredible duo from Mannheim, Germany. Zebrating loosely translates to, ‘making the zebra’, which describes their artistic style that uses a striping technique (like that of a zebra’s). Railings lend nicely to this style as the vertical rails are already evenly spaced to start.  The paintings change completely and only reveal themselves from a specific angle

Emelie Halpern  uses gold leaf to enhance the gallery walls by tracing the sun beams. Beautiful!

Guacamole Party! Somebody cut open a Ginny doll for this, poor thing.

No, he's not diseased, it's a ceramic model painted with some odd-choice glazes!  
Nope, I don't want this.

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