Maybe this world is another planet's hell.
Aldous Huxley
Sorry I've been off the grid the last few days, not that I've got thirty comments wondering where I am... Yes I did meet up with Rayna and we had a nice lunch- I am so glad she will be spending more time in FL, but we do have to admit this abysmal winter has something to do with a burgeoning population for next year! It will be good to have her around. I got home in time to put the paella together and we managed to pretty much go through it all in short order, fueled by copious wine. Who knows how good the paella was- the cook was blasted, and deserving of every drop!
Friday was spent again in the vets office. Poor Molly had been bumping into furniture, tripping over curbs, and was unable to find her food dish unless I pushed her face into it. She has lost her sight. I think she may still see shadows but she can't see my hand in front of her face and needs help navigating the house. We have a couple of new couches so her known routine is off kilter- I have to help her find the bed to get on, prop her onto the couch of choice. And the worst part is she can't watch tv with us and run at the screen warning us when a dog appears. Vet says it's cataracts in both eyes and there is a vet specialist in town who is presently off somewhere performing cataract surgery on sea lions,
but will be back early next week. More medications, more eyedrops, and another hefty check. Today, and until we can get in to see this specialist, I am a seeing-eye-person!
Beware, folks in vintage photographs: Stacey Page can see the real you. Page augments found vintage portraits with wild embroidery, creating new characters out of the (very) old. Of the relationship between the people in the photos and her embroidery, she explains, “It can come from naturally occurring conflicts. One example would be the inner versus outer being. This conflict entails simple observations one might have about themselves regarding fashion, status, ego, and avatar.” You have GOT to see her website! Really.
A vintage photo I showed a few years ago, still love it!
The Brooklyn Botanic Garden's "Knit, Purl, Sow," features knitted floral- and plant-inspired works by the artists Tatyana Yanishevsky, Ruth Marshall and Santiago Venegas, on view in the Steinhardt Conservation Gallery through Jan. 22. Two years in the making, it contains 21 works, including 19 by Ms. Yanishevsky, an artist who studied biology at Brown University. Before picking up her knitting needles, the Rhode Island-based artist, who taught herself how to knit, dissected flowers and studied their anatomy in textbooks and greenhouses.
Squirrel in a Mirror- how confusing:
Hope he doesn't get cataracts, who will tell him who is the fairest of them all???

P's and S'es: I'm going to work like crazy this week to try to get out the second half of the Creativity Rant. I'll automatically send it along to those of you who got the first part, and anybody else who contacts me at my email address: sdonabed*at* OR, contact me to NOT send it! Simply put Rant in the subject line. Maybe by the end of the week but promises promises... Things keep falling on my head to stop my deadlines.
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