Thursday, March 27, 2014

anyone depth carboxylic

I see art making as a way to tell me where I am in my own life story.    Cathy Malchiodi

VERY quiet day today with the kids safely back in Boston!  I jumped at the chance to hit Costco with a neighbor, did the whole thing and came out with a few things.  My own membership lapsed so now I think I need to renew it.  Seems alternately stupid and then smart for just 2 people but today I picked up a few things that would be worth the trip now and then.  We also had a leisurely lunch=- always good to yak with a girlfriend.  She used to be my walking friend 3X a week but she developed sciatica and I developed ennui so there ya go.  She's back at it, I have to find my pedometer (!).  HEY, that's a good enough excuse for today!

Got an excellent heads-up (appropriate!) on a fine yarn bombing at the MFA in Boston.  They have several 8' heads on their grounds.  The head are a lingering remnant of a show of Antonio López García's paintings and sculpture-  here is one during it's installation on it's base last spring:
And here it is yesterday wearing a warm cap finally!  What a great hat-  bet it took a fair amount of work, and excellent work at that!  
 Can you image a once-around on some big circular needles?  Would take forever!
 Only fault I can find is it should be a bit bigger to cover his poor big ears.
Apparently by yesterday morning it had been removed, poor baby.  I wish I had been 'in charge'- I would have left it on for a few days to 'investigate'.  So, to whoever did this-  LOVE IT!  Congratulations, and I'm so glad you got the pictures!  And thanks to Lisa who sent me the link that sent ME looking for images!  

I do have to say I miss this kind of art activity going on.  Florida art seems to be watercolors of palm trees at dawn or dusk and frankly after you've seen one, you don't need to see more!  Sometimes there are the leaping dolphins in them for the nature lovers.  (Nobody ever does the man-o-war!)  There's also the Big Fruit artists, and a whole underground bunch of grey bearded 60's types who tend to welding stuff together.  Most everybody else makes jewelry out of shells.  Sigh.  I visit craft shops continually and they mostly look like middle school end of year shows.  Of course occasionally something pops out as innovative or creative, but not always.  That's my rant for the evening.  

I had some luck at the zoo the other day-  first I found an ALBINO Alligator, about 12' long.  I know, it looks like he's made of plaster but believe me, this guy was all too real.
  Can't top the alligator with a bad cheetah picture or a supine kangaroo or a herd of flamingos, so here's just two-
And a close up of my favorite Sand Hill Crane.  Out in the wild my pictures are mostly out of car windows when I see them on the side of a road.
Lots more but I'll spare you

And we'll stop it there.  I have to go carve up the Costco chicken!  
(I wish we had black squirrels...)


Mary Beth Frezon said...

The albino alligator was something but I'll take a flock of flamingos any day of the week.

Mary Beth Frezon said...

You might enjoy this, stolen from Judy Martin's blog. I liked her practice of doing a repetitive mark exercise every day.

She also does notebooks of her own making.