Thursday, March 13, 2014

barrymore inappreciable

The language of truth is unadorned and always simple.   Marcellimus Ammianus 

The contractor (We'll call him the Lone Ranger) and his sidekick, the architect (henceforth known as Tonto) showed up tonight with some plans that look pretty good.  It was just a rough floor plan so far but he managed to fit all my non-negotiables in plus a few things I didn't think he even heard me mention onto a very odd hunk of land.  We'll see where this goes since TY and Yours Truly (oh, cute!  I am YT, he is TY!  Fate.) can't even agree on something as simple as a floor lamp!  I'm not getting my hopes up just yet because this is where the 'he's from Mars, I'm from Venus' plot becomes apparent. The only thing that needed immediate attention was a wall for his tv- and I am counter-offering a cool gas fireplace under it since he took out a whole wall of windows, fabulous windows, for the tv.  That's the price for taking away a window-  I get something else somewhere else. And this building project is something I will not push through unless I have full backing.  My 'assignment' from Tonto, should I decide to take it, is to find pictures of house exteriors I like.  Aye Aye Sir!  I'm on it like a cheap suit.  

Back to the floor lamp dispute, I moved the offending lamp so it won't hit anybody in the eyes while sitting, the next step is to lower the wattage rendering it completely useless as a lamp since I got the damn things to work and read by.  But the ace up my sleeve is the sputnik lamp that should be here any day now.  if he thinks he hates these lamps, just wait for the fallout on Sputnik!  Tomorrow I'll buy dimmer bulbs and hope that fixes things temporarily.                                                                    

Here's something cool for you that Photoshop has to answer for-  


Now, I've been saving this little dichotomy for so long that several of my links have gone bad!  Time I got to what's left of what started out to be a slap-your-head group of images.  First I'll start out with DEFLATABLES:

Barcelona-based Penique Productions is an artist collective founded in 2007 that creates transformative installations in public spaces. To do this the group utilizes massive plastic balloons that are inflated inside buildings and other interior areas. Coupled with exterior lighting that illuminates the colored plastic, the results can be beautifully dramatic, making the new environment almost unrecognizable from the actual space.

And seque into this video that is both  INFLATABLE AND DEFLATABLE~

Warm Toobs, Susan Robb

And move right on to INFLATABLES-

And Sharon Engelstein, 'Lighter than Air'.  You have to love artists who work with AIR!

(say that to the Hammer-Time yell)
Winding down, a few more of my Etsy finds:
Remember the squirrel underpants over at Archie McPhee?  Well here's a PORTRAIT of a squirrel in them.  Yeah, for money.

Gorgeous yarn named 'Squirrel'  (I might need this, my fave color ever!)

And a journal with two squirrels on the outside cover.  Would look pretty spiffy on my desk.  Go find all over at Etsy, just search for 'Squirrels and you'll have  15 pages of stuff.

And with that I am off to PT-  hopefully my second last encounter.  Keep your fingers crossed!  Shoulder is doing fine and I want my mornings back!  And yeah, I promise to hit the gym too, just not early.

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