Thursday, July 24, 2014

condensate diabetic door

The best reason to join the PINK church, where you don't have to repent.

"Squeeze your paints like a millionaire,"  Robert Genn

Still here, alternating driving around in horrific traffic and sitting at home making hexagons.  I really have never been bored in my life, always have something to do, some place to go, a friend around, a good book, a good meal, whatever.  I feel myself bordering on bored.  My days are spent cleaning out closets and moving piles around.  I'm sick of cooking, sick of shopping, and sick of having to take the dogs down the elevator to pee.  And because they are bored too, it happens very frequently. 

I miss my studio more than anything.
Today Im on a search for some cotton knit fabric-  I want to touch it before I buy so I can make something Alabama Chanin-ish.  I took the Craftsy class and am going to wing it as far as I can here with no materials, then finish the embroidery when I get back to Ganymede, my little world-in-a-storage-facility.

But enough about me, I have managed to find some cool stuff to show you, just by accident.  There is SO much out there to get excited about- 

  Seung-Hwan Oh
The visual result of the symbiosis between film matter and organic matter is the conceptual origin of this body of work.The process involves the cultivation of emulsion consuming microbes on a visual environment created through portraits and a physical environment composed of developed film immersed in water. As the microbes consume light-sensitive chemical over the course of months, the silver halides destabilize, obfuscating the legibility of foreground, background, and scale. This creates an aesthetic of entangled creation and destruction that inevitably is ephemeral, and results in complete disintegration of the film so that it can only be delicately digitized before it is consumed.

Kendal Murray’s miniature sculptures stage dream-like narratives that are played out by microscopic identities with giant personalities. Short stories and tall tales are enacted in a range of playful and dramatic scenarios that are imbued with social, symbolic and personal meaning. Glass teapots, grass-covered purses, mirrored makeup compacts and open books set the stage for each scenario, offering the delight of the unexpected, the puzzle of a question and the possibility of a dream escape into make-believe worlds.

Squirrel Time:
Not a very good squirrel, a bad facsimile actually, but this guy looks like he's being attacked.  Nice.  I bet his mom is so proud.  My son came home from camp one year with this haircut, though when done by a tent full of 12 year olds, even less appealing.  I lived in fear it wouldn't grow out before school started.  It didn't, he got a buzz clip September first, overgrown fat squirrel hit the floor.


Max said...

Come up to Lowell for a visit!

Janet W said...

I did an Alabama Chanin type thing with 2 tshirts. I cut up one to reverse applique under the other.: 2 stained tshirts=1 fabulous one.