Saturday, September 13, 2014

weak brandt steer

Kind of an oxymoron, isn't it?  How about *I* prefer kind atheists over hateful anybody's!  I do have to acknowledge that there are some hateful atheists 'out there' too- in the news his morning actually.

Art does not solve problems but makes us aware of their existence. 
It opens our eyes to see and our brain to imagine. (Magdalena Abakanowicz)

I was able to spend most of yesterday in the studio finally.  Unfortunately I had forgotten my phone so had to come back home to catch up a few details that email couldn't handle, but I did get some work done.  I'm back to work on the Kantha piece and finished a small section off near the bottom.  I have lots to go and I can't say as I am exactly in love with it, or ever will be.  I keep hoping for that ZAP that gives it a reason for being.  

Sadly while I was gone over the last 2 months, the sheets of slides I had in my door fell down.  The little sticky hooks I had at the top of the door I think cooked in the hot sun.  Anyway, in looking at them with a bit of a critical eye for a change, I really can't put them back up-  they are all faded to pale green and blue and you can't make out even what they were at one time.  I am toying with the idea of replacing all the slides in all the pages with swatches of fabric but that project reeks of boredom to me-  I'm in a holding pattern as to what will go up in my door.  Currently the slide pages are held together with jewelry jump rings and some of them ripped the plastic in the trip to the ground.  I really don't feel like replacing the busted pages...  Meanwhile I do have a Pottery barn curtain that I can pull across the door to keep the heat out.

Today TY is golfing and I am feeling punky so I think I will lay low and watch a few things on Netflix while I work on the hexagons some more.  I started sewing some rows together yesterday and might continue a few more today to make room for more hexagons-  I have two gallon zip locks full of them to add.  Yeah, it's tedious but I have my RULE to follow:  I can't start anything new until I finish up current projects.

But before we go look at some quasi-art, look it what I found for sale:
It's a tee shirt montage of Kim K Ugly-Krying !  Poifect.

So, now back to real stuff---

Kosuke Tsumura, a Japanese fashion designer has created this knitted cable artwork using ehernet and iPod cables for the ‘Mode less Code’ exhibit at the Nanzuka gallery in Shirokane, Tokyo

Other knitted things, or knitted WITH other things!
knitted eggs

cupcakes for the winter

knitted wine

knitted house costumes

knitted sushi

 knitted wire

 knitted land mines

 a knitted rabbit!

Squirrel Redecorations for fall
Not a knitted squirrel

I think this will be the last knitting post for awhile, I need to get back on track

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