Monday, July 18, 2016

force deformation bogota

” I think of my studio as a vegetable garden where things follow their natural course. They grow, they ripen. You have to graft. You have to water.” (Joan Miro)

A wee Squirrel Girrel

WHAT A WASTE OF CLEAN CLOTHES TODAY!  I've been internet-less here for a week now, plus a couple of weeks before, my own fault because I lost the main password and 'thought" I knew it and kept punching it and it's variations in until the system locked me out completely.  I called the service provider and they sent someone right over who told me he didn't install that router and couldn't mess with it, had to call the guy who installed it.  That meant I had to call TY to ask who in hell installed, he had to find the number and call me back, I called the Guy, he couldn't answer my question so he had the Boss call me back.  So basically I hung around here receiving phone calls until after 3.  Ugh.  But I got the buttons sewn on the wee sweater, I got another 6" done on the blank, and I spent 2 hours sweeping up caterpillar carcasses all around the house.  Still a couple of piles of them outside but the next part involves the vacuum to get 'em out of the slider tracks where they are three-deep.  Ugh ugh ugh.  They just appeared here a few years ago, supposedly came in with the mulch but they keep putting the same mulch around.  nothing kills them but a day in the sun, they die, fall off the walls and bend ito a doughnut shape and disintegrate.  I step on them everywhere and they crunch and shatter into little pieces.  The dogs get them caught in the fur and bring them inside.  Awful disgusting things.  

And this sampler doesn't help my attitude much.

And today has an ART PART, thankfully I will now stop talking about this terrible infestation.

 Lithuanian artist Severija Inčirauskaitė-Kriaunevičienė uses cross-stitch embroidery to soften metal objects that seem materially opposed to the craft, having previously worked with car doors, spoons, pots, pans, and shovels. In her latest exhibition “Kill for Peace,” Inčirauskaitė-Kriaunevičienė used helmets from armies of various countries, stitching roses, violets, and thorns onto their surfaces. 

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