Saturday, March 04, 2017

ova silvery oval

“There are many fine things which we cannot say
 if we have to shout,” Henry David Thoreau

from one of my 'squirrely' friends

I have spent THREE FULL DAYS in the studio-  partly attributed to a giant coffee thermos that's been unused in the drawer for a very long time-  who knew that you could pour your hot coffee in in the morning and this darn thin walled, drink hole open on top- would keep the coffee hot until about 3 PM!  Amazing!  Anyway it's big enough to still have coffee left by then, and shiny enough not to get lost in my piles.  And I certainly have piles these days.  And then today I skipped a day.  I needed to clean the refrigerator and do some laundry and watch another Great British Baking show, all important bizniz.

I am still working on the two big quilts every day, adding a few items here, sewing a few things there, but most of my time on the quilts is waiting for glue to dry on the 10 collages I have made for the Altered Book Collaboration.  And finally I am done.  It's supposed to be one piece every month sent to the various 9 members around the country but I sort of got going and wanted to clear that project to make room for other things on the glue table so did all at once.  Yesterday I went to Staples and bought 18 envelopes, addressed them and stamped them to send out this week.  Wanna see?


The ones that re labeled 'Mad Men' are all pictures of male models from an Sunday Supplement where they were apparently told to look angry-  not a grin or a wink in that whole magazine so I scanned a few, added stuff around them and made a 24"x 24" collage.  I cut it up into 4 10" squares for this project, added paint and a label on each-  it does NOT refer to the tv show, only the mad male models!  finally got them all pressed for a few days, coated with medium, and threads and raw edges finished.

an example of a repeat pattern, sigh.  Don't let this happen to you.

So, it must be time for the arty party!  
I am still waiting for my piece to be returned by the Fuller Craft Museum up in MA  It was an invitational about the use of photography in craft and with all my prints on fabric they found me!  The show has been down several weeks now and I'm not in a particular hurry.  The Curator sent me pictures of the show as hung and I kinda loved some of the pieces in it, in particular a guy named Kyle Meyer who prints inks onto photo paper by hand and then weaves the resulting images together.  I love to see who else is in a multi media show and then track 'em down!  Here's an example, but go look at his site and see for yourself.
Love his work!

OH LOOKIE, a day too late but I am adding this photo from the Fuller!  I got a whole pack of photos of this show and here is mine hanging right near the Meyer work!  See how close I can get without touching?

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