Sunday, September 10, 2017

hindrance sporty ternises

What’s more horrifying than normalcy?” Patti Smith

Well, this whole hurricane thing was supposed to be over by tonight but instead it's just now starting. We had ourselves a day with tornados all around us snapping up like popcorn, but it took all day for the hurricane to hit landfall.  After that, it took a couple more hours before we really felt the effects of that.  We watched the news until we near went crazy with forecasts and what the weathercasters were wearing.  We basically spent the day answering texts and emails checking in on us.  Calls and messages were greatly appreciated.

Molly was either so upset that she got sick or so sick she needed attention, but it meant there were numerous costume changes here in Sandyland as I had to put on my giant floppy plastic poncho and my yellow plastic clogs to walk the poor critter out of the garage about 3 feet to do her bizniz.  Poor critter, even in a quick trip we would both get drenched and have to get rowelled down.  It got old fast.  Luckily I found her old retractable leash and I'll have that to let her out the bedroom door when necessary overnight.  She os resting comfortably across my feet wearing her Thundershirt which seems to have worked its magic.  

Took a video just as things started up as an actual hurricane late this afternoon but I'm not sure it will work-  Blogger seems to have it in for me lately.

The yard is a mess, the house is completely upside down.  I am still convinced that the electric will go off, in fact we have had a couple of power surges because the cable tv has disappeared.  We amused ourselves by watching the weather  channel and a couple of movies today.  Tomorrow it will be more of the same until we are visited and 'released' from curfew.  I won't be in any hurry to go anywhere-  gas stations down, no deliveries to Publix the last few days, I'll be out secretly walking dogs and avoiding fallen tree stuff and deep puddles.  I am of course going to head for the studio to check out possible damage there as soon as I have an all-clear from the hurricane police.

Sigh.  We have gone 10 years without a hurricane, last year's was kind of a trainer-hurricane we got to practice on.  This one took forever and caused so much damage.  I understand we were long overdue, but still, this isn't something I want to deal with ever again.  And I'm not a victim or a survivor, just a passer-by.

So, here's the ARTPART, truncated.

 Previously working with the female figure in her sculptural pieces mentioned here and here, Juliette Clovis’ newest series of porcelain sculptures is centered around the form of an egg. Each was crafted by Clovis in La Manufacture La Seynie, the oldest Limoges porcelain manufacturer in France. Some of her eggs, which are decorated in a similar fashion to many of her earlier pieces with spikes, floral clusters, and hand-painted markings, are currently on view at Galerie Mondapart in France through May 4, 2017. You can see more images of Clovis’ porcelain forms on her Instagram and website

So, bunnies, thanks for taking a circuitous route to find me again.  If you know any high mucky mucks at Blogger, have them give me a call!  Hell, *I* can't even find me!

1 comment :

Sandy said...

I think the thing that happened with Blogger means that the bit at the front of the address now says https, rather than http.
If you can get to your dashboard, it might have a message about the change.
And if you need the proper address, now that I have remembered to bookmark it (instead of doing round the houses again) it is:
Hope that helps.

Wow. Your video is scary. Staying in is a good idea. Stay safe.
Sandy in the UK