Sunday, January 21, 2007

Diagram Dairyman Pussycat

Miss me? Wish I could say I have been real busy, but can't. I have spent lots of time reading, some time with plans for some renovations, and not enough time brushing out Molly's knots.

First of all, there was the problem of getting the so-called studio set up but now it is at least functional:

So, to celebrate, I have been busily working on the Buck quilt and finished the dog and the antler parts yesterday, today I am struggling through the deer himself but I am heartened that it just may work. The real problem seems to be that I am going to have to figure out some system for the background that will take up a similar amount of fabric because with all the stitching it sure does pucker.

The dog's head (sideways!) finished. To the left you can see a little of the un-done buck's belly. By tomorrow I should have more done in that area.

Here are the threads I brought from home to work out the trees and leaves of the borders.

Below is the cotton sweater I worked on all the way from Boston down here in the car. I wanted something on large needles but the yarn worked up so heavy that it is not a sweater anymore, instead a jacket- hence the zipper up the front. Wal-Mart, to my dismay, had only 18" separating zippers, like you care? So I have a zipper that doesn't reach the top. So what. Sue me. It's too hot to wear anyway.

Found a box of faux olives at the craft store so naturally couldn't leave them alone there- I strung them with small gold beads between and it is now my Italian Restaurant necklace. Unfortunately when one dribbles red wine on the olives the paint comes off so I have some repair work to do. Of course I didn't know this ahead of time, I just assumed the paint was waterproof. Guess I better get out the Krylon before I wear them again.
And last---and LEAST--- I made a sock doll finally from the book I picked up last year, Stupid Sock Dolls, or something like that. Of course I have about 20 more worthy socks so just may continue with these until I have a whole windowsill full.

And finally, I am apologising for all the pictures being sideways. I rotated and renamed them all after I got them out of the camera, but when Blogger got 'em, they apparently thought they looked better sideways. When I can figure this out I will replace them right side up, but frankly it doesn't make much difference, does it?

UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE! I reloaded the images in exactly the same way from exactly the same files and this time they are upright. Huh??? Anyway, I am not going to argue with the system, just play along like I know what I am doing. Now all of you can sit in a chair and not hurt your necks looking at inane stuff. You're welcome!


Anonymous said...

We can lay down and look at the pictures and then they are the right way.

Deanna said...

Nice sweater and sock doll. Looks like you have almost a real studio down there. Groom Molly and you can make another sweater. Love the olive necklace.
