Friday, December 12, 2008

Good News Bad News Worse Drama

Hi Campers, there have been a few new developments in my so-called life.  First the good:

I have two pieces in two separate shows that opened this week at the Coos Art Museum in Coos Bay, Oregon. You just couldn't get any further away than that from Florida. The Transformations 08 Icons and Images show is there as is the opening of the New Focus Art Quits 08 invitational.

'Handwork' from the transformations show
'Australian Invaders' from the New Focus show

So, if you find yourself in that part of the country, stop by and tell me what the museum and the shows are like!

Didja know that you can have a laptop and cellphone in your hospital room now?  Well, you can but it's hard to type with the IV line.  I found myself in need of some fast medical attention the other night and ended up in the ER with another bout of diverticulitis.  I've already been operated on once years ago for this, but now it seems I am in need of another go at it as soon as I get over the current infection.  The worst part of the ordeal so far is the clear liquid diet, and if you know me, you know that I am a food freak-  love everything from meatball subs to foie gras and the green jello just ain't cuttin' it here.  Day three.  I think someone slipped and left a package of 2 teeny saltines on my tray- it was like they left me a steak so I hid it in my pocket so they wouldn't take it back!  Tomorrow my big goal is to get a shower.  Baby steps.  Oy.

6 comments : said...

oh my gosh, sandy! I'm really sorry to hear of your problems. I've been checking your blog regularly for an update on Hazel, and here you are, in the hospital, too. Do take good care of yourself. Let us know how you do, and how the little one is doing. Rosemary

Terry Grant said...

Ooo. Sorry. Why do hospitals serve green jello? It is not real food. Gack. Feel better soon.

Deanna said...

Hope that infection goes away quickly. This does not sound like fun, but I'm glad you are connected - other than to an IV. Love the quilts in the Oregon show. Get well soon!!


Carol Dean Sharpe said...

Oh, Sandy! I'm so sorry to read this :( I hope you get rid of the infection post haste and that the surgery is the last you will EVER need! Sending healing thoughts. (I think of you daily as I admire my "rusty" plates.)

Terry Grant said...

You asked about the Coos Art Museum. The museum is wonderful. It is an old, smallish, art deco federal building turned into an art museum. The people who run it are wonderful. I think it is owned by the city of Coos Bay. I have been there twice, both times for fiber shows I've had work in. They do a fine job down there. The shows there right now are calling out for a road trip, but damn! it's a long way down there from Portland and this time of year it is a miserable place to be. Cold, rainy, gray, windy. Did I mention cold? Maybe after Christmas I will be able to round up a crew to make the trek with me.

Del said...

Sorry to hear you are imprisoned in one of those bad places. Be sure everyone washes their hands - even your visitors.
Great pieces at Coos, wish I could see all the exhibits there during January, but it is too far to go in winter. Maybe I will see them elsewhere.
Still sending good wishes to Hazel. And now to you!