Saturday, July 23, 2011

This Week's Quotes

Painting is just another way of keeping a diary. -Pablo Picasso

Well, Pablo, so is quilting! Like I mentioned a few posts ago, my husband, the venerable TY, says I quilt my autobiography. And (ahem) I also do this blog just in case 'dear diary' needs elucidating. I had a bit of a surprise this morning when I went to check an early post and found that several years are missing from the beginning. I started off in another format and transferred the old posts to Blogger and it was fine for a long time, like since 2004 (!), but now it's disappeared. Oh well, I'm hardly sick about it, just wonder what happened.

The Horror today is kind of optimistic, and it's right that stuff will start poppin' this week too! I got a call from London today and my old pal is on her way, stopping over here on our Shuffle to Buffalo on Thursday. We'll have fun seeing old friends, but back to the Horror:

You are naturally resistant to change and may not want to engage with what's coming around the next corner. Nevertheless, your anticipation continues to build now because you know that you're on a new course and can't wait to see where it leads. The Sun's shift into your sign today initiates a highly active phase for the next month. But don't rush the creative process; everything will unfold exactly on time.

This may need some explanation: it's the chair I lust after. I love this chair. I can see myself on this chair- I like that it doesn't have arms, I like that it's firm (though it may be a bit too firm considering the material), and I love the colors. Also I know I would like the smell. All I would need is a nice side table for my coffee and book, a basket for knitting, and a big fat tv screen for down times. I love tv, well, frankly all I really like is CSI reruns but I like knowing they are there. Oh, be still my heart, it's on wheels!

The artist fills space with an attitude. The attitude never comes from himself alone.

~William de Kooning

"You have to be noticed, but the art is in getting noticed naturally, without screaming or without tricks." Leo Burnett

One of the blogs I follow, Bill and Dave's Cocktail Hour, is written by two writers and basically reminisces about their old days and talks about their daily struggles to get it on paper. I follow them because their struggles are so similar to mine, and every once in awhile they hit me across my brain with a pithy thought. Today's was from Bill, who was talking about his stay at the McDowell Colony:
The lesson has never really left me: the more you work, the better you work, and the less you yearn for lunch.

Thanks, Bill, how true!

1 comment :

Mary Beth Frezon said...

I'm stealing that Picasso quote. I think of my blog as the closest thing I'll ever have to a journal, although as I was rerolling and organizing some early quilts I had a fun trip down remembering what they all meant and when they were made.