Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bury to the Quivery

Hate ants, don't you? Here's a giant fire ant, just like in Florida but without his anthill army behind him. These guys will crawl up your pant leg and get you when you don't realize it. There have been occasions when golfers have stepped on a hill and had to be evacuated to the hospital by helicopter their bites were so bad. This guy could snap off my head, no helicopter involved, bye bye Sandy. Well, except he is made of rebar and sticks.

Did I tell you that the TSA in it's wisdom confiscated my son's 1.5 oz. sample size of baby shampoo, half empty, because it wasn't IN a plastic bag? He had even taken it out to show them at screening, but they stopped him and gave him the option of 'escorting' him out of the airport or confiscating it just because it wasn't IN a plastic bag. Now we don't really care a whit about losing a sample size of shampoo, but it was certainly well within range of what is allowed, clearly marked and presented properly, just missing a plastic bag. Ridiculous. They also took his sample size toothpaste while detaining him. "Ve haf zee Regulations, Herr Passenger!" Sometimes it's just the principle of the thing, sometimes it's just having to put up with idiocy, sometimes it's people taking advantage of their perceived pseudo-power just because they spent their childhood being stuffed into lockers by the big kids.

Flying Sucks. And here I go packing up for the third trip of the summer. I just don't' care any more about going anywhere, it's so difficult, uncomfortable, and demeaning. Remember when it used to be an adventure? We'd get all dressed up and wear our best travel clothes and carry our matching luggage to a porter who would handle it for us until we fetched it at the destination point. We weren't expected to clean the friggin plane back then as we disembarked either, and the flight attendants (stewardesses) were helpful and polite and accommodating. And we could smoke on the plane too and nobody complained. Matter of fact they didn't complain about the free peanuts with your drink service either. Granted the food service wasn't quite elegant, but we did have metal utensils and there was always a hot meal, sometimes tasty enough, with a dessert offered. Ha. We'll never see that again.
Here's to the long lost wild blue yonder.

1 comment :

Deb Lacativa said...

stupidity like that at the airport speaks to the level of intelligence of the people doing the job and making the rules. I got robbed of a brand new large (expensive) bottle of sunblock on my way back from NY. I took it out of the bag and asked if I could drink it rather than toss it in the trash. they didn't get the joke.