1973, honeymoon in Whitney Ontario
(with TY's 240Z that I ruined chipping it out of an ice block.
Note please the Dr Scholls, the embroidered denim shirt, and yes, bellbottoms.)
Also bought a whole series of CHEEZY wooden cut out words:
Which I have discovered I can rearrange letters to give me much more pleasing words! Suggestions happily accepted, but you have to just use the letters in the above words. For example. 'Angel' absolutely has to be ANGER, like that. Now help me Rhondas!
Also bought some ribbons to finish up this little dress for my favorite 4T! It's made from a DKNY tank top I couldn't wear because it made my boobs sparkle at an alarming rate, but I think it will be great on Ms. Hazel. The different colored ribbons match the Kaffe Fasset striped facings: Fasset Facings! Love it.
I have piles of other fabrics here and borrowed patterns to make more dresses for summer for her, just need to stop messing about and get them ready to sew. This all started with some Alice in Wonderland fabric I bought from Spoonflower last time I ordered some printing, but now I cannot find it to save my soul, so am using lots of other chunks of stuff instead.
All this is surrounding making the table numbers and the cards for seating and running back to the store for more more more papers and gold pans and and and. My son is an art director bless his little OCD heart, and he is trying to DIRECT me, much to his chagrin. Ain't gonna happen because I am just no good at taking direction. There, I said it.
Meanwhile last night late I found a big bag of potting soil in the garage and stuck it in the courtyard to plant some stuff today. As soon as it got light the Dog Herd noticed it and started barking at it. Yeah, barking art a bag of dirt. My future is flashing before me: bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark. Get the picture? I guess the Good Part of this is that they are finally working together, sort of. Our walk last night was GREAT- they were both next to each other and we walked real fast to keep them moving forward and nobody freaked out, and my arms didn't nearly fall off from keeping them apart. One pooped, the other waited patiently, walk, repeat. Yeaaa. Things are good in the walking department finally. Things are good in the eating department too- two dishes around the corner of the kitchen island from each other, both fed at the same time and both concentrating only on their own dinner! Yeaaa. I still stand there between them keeping Molly away from Peppers dinner because she is fat and doesn't need two dinners like she thinks. And Pepper is slow because he dissects each tasty piece of chicken out and puts it in a pile on the floor, returned to the kibble and continues sifting out the good parts, then wolfs 'em down all at once.
Oh. I guess when I start talking about the dog's dinner it's time to stop. OK, I'll go back to the Crap Store and buy more paper. Sorry. Don't forget some new words for me in the comments!

Wouldn't take much to turn a smile into a snit
And isn't celebrate some kind of drug?
Hi Sandy
Can you remember how the footbed of the Scholl sandal was in thoese days? The present Scholls ar not su curved. I preferred the old ones! Do you still wear scholl sandals? Kind regards Annemie from Holland annemiewang@yahoo.com
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