Indeed, the concept behind Tacocopter is very simple, and very American: You order tacos on your smartphone and also beam in your GPS location information. Your order — and your location — are transmitted to an unmanned drone helicopter (grounded, near the kitchen where the tacos are made), and the tacocopter is then sent out with your food to find you and deliver your tacos to wherever you’re standing.Now really, dear readers, have we arrived at such a state of helplessness that warrants our ordering tacos delivered by helicopter? The only possibly use I can see of this is perhaps if you're lost in the wilderness on the side of a mountain and get a bit peckish. Just make sure and get lost near a cell tower. Apparently only now available in San Francisco- like there aren't tacos on every street corner anyway. Coming to your neighborhood soon.
You pay online, so the tacos are simply dropped off at your feet by the drone helicopter, which then flies back to the restaurant to pick up its next order.
Oh Oh Oh- thought of another area it may be used- Amish Country. Just find an English friend to call in your order and you don't have to touch a machine at all! Plus it is sort of a taco-free area, at least as far as I've found. No knishes or Arborio rice either.
You may be fully resigned to follow through on your commitments today, yet you're also thinking about turning everything upside down and making a quick escape. Unfortunately, it's unlikely that acting on your fantasies now will bring you lasting happiness. Instead of possibly jeopardizing your reputation, do something pleasurable for yourself that doesn't throw your life into further turmoil.
And that is the Horror today. I've been in the studio working on crds for the wedding all morning. I have the table cards done, and the colored scans attached firmly to the backs so they are pretty from both sides. They are all glued up and trimmed to perfect size so I can stick a big X through that job on the list. Next I tackle the escort cards. Actually I have the paper all trimmed for the printer and the scans all ready for the backing but haven't gotten the list of people yet so it's on hold for a bit longer. So, I HAVE followed through on my commitments today in spite of actually wanting to be somewhere else. My quick escape here won't be so quick- have to go walk the doggies again and get a bite to eat before I am free to roam looking for that 'lasting happiness'. Anyway, I am very pleased that this has gone as well as it has so far seeing that graphic design is not my strong suit.
Hmmm, wonder if there was a number on that tacocoptor- I could use a fish taco right about now.

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