where I have been buying stuff out of the Crap Ooking Department (see above). We need marking pens to fill in the table numbers on the escort cards when that job gets done, so I bought an assortment of about ten to try out. Several bled into the paper fibers, some disappeared against the green paper, there are a Jack Sprat combo where one is too thin, another too fat so they have been relegated to some other cause. What it boils down to is that the JOKE purple sparkle glue pens really look the best and work the best. The OCD Art Director is gonna have a plaid fit so I have a skinny purple gel pen for backup. Second choice. In short, between printing this stuff all out, trials and errors (lots of both!), and a couple of miscommunications, I have spent the better part of the week on this. But now they are all bundled into labeled envelopes ready to go.
I went back to Home Depot to check on smaller succulents for the centerpieces because the ones I bought when they appeared a couple of months ago are now all gargantuan and fit only for garden planting. SO, I have also planted 24 of them in our gutter drip planting space that people said we can't plant in. Well, I did. So there. And bought 24 more plants of which maybe half are small enough to plant in the cigar boxes. I've decided that these plants will just have to give their lives for the cause- I will clip them down to whatever size I need and stick 'em in the boxes and hope they last 24 hours.
I got my check mailed out to the caterer for the rehearsal dinner, wow, that was a shocker. But they assure me there will be plenty of food and I extended the open bar for another hour. Now that I have the number of tables I can call the florist and scale back the order a bit for both the rehearsal and the wedding itself. And it hit me: This is my last wedding. Both kids will be married, I am old enough that if I am around for a grandkid's wedding I will not be involved at all because of the 'old-and-in-the-way' thing and I will just have to figure out how to get there since I'll probably be in my 90's. But spry. Who in hell wants to be SPRY? It's a tad better than being WIZENED but geesh.
So, this spry old lady has been having fun with this young nosey guy:
Yesterday we had a bath in the kitchen sink and it wasn't enjoyed very much. We got wrapped in the dog towel (because it doesn't match any bathrooms any more) and ceremoniously dumped in the courtyard to run like hell and dry in the sun. He does smell better, but not much. His coat is growing in now and his back is dark gray, his legs and underbelly are light gray- the oddest color combo Ive ever seen. He still persists in sticking his head under an arm or anywhere he can put it to get hugged, a charmer. Yesterday we went for a play date with our Scottie friend and he got a bit snippy over the Scottie's advances- not quite like Molly does to him, but enough so I intervened a few times. So in that group of 3, he was the middleman. But he did finally run around and play, something Molly won't do. As a studio dog he's GREAT. He sits in one place and drops off to sleep until I move. then he follows me to that area, he drops off to sleep again. Not a peep out of him until it's UPS time. A good little guy. TY took him out off leash this morning and he was fine. I don't trust him enough to do that yet.
And off I go to do more digging out the house and packing my bag for the weekend. I need the time off.

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