And I am trying to keep my perspective these days. In a few posts, when I have some time I will write about perspective in art, but no time today.
Artist Christopher Locke takes scissors that were confiscated by the TSA at airport security .checkpoints and turns them into these awesome spider sculptures. Many more on his site.Headed for the airport for a ice long wait, a pat-down, and having to walk barefoot in the heavily trodden path through security. This part drives me nuts, it's had to find slip on shoes that work with socks. Fast turnaround trip, be back Monday, but the computer in the condo is old old old and not at all reliable any more so I can't get a post out to save my soul.
Hey, mine too!
I took the dogs out for a walk a bit ago, basically to get them out from under the housecleaners whose buckets they raid. Poor Pepper was dying to run like the wind, he kept surging ahead, getting strangled by the leash and flopping backwards only to try again. Finally we let him off leash and all he wanted to do was run on home. He got it when we kept walking and it was fun to watch him let loose. He has a name tag with my phone number now so I don't worry as much about him charging himself right back into a foundling kennel again. But he stuck nearby. He really needs the exercise but is still kind of a wild card with obedience and I resist letting him off even on our little cul de sac.
Remember our Octopus Agave that I posted pictures about every day watching the blossom stalk grow? Well we bought another one, though this one is a Blue Agave, no octopuses in sight. Hopefully we can get a few years out of the new one before that stalk appears.
OK, the car is idling in the driveway. Wish me bon voyage- I am not anxious to do this trip because of the glut of JetBlue problems lately, though luckily most people on they flight have to wait for the wheelchair brigade before they can cause any mayhem. Lets just say I bring down the average age by at least a decade.
Remember, Sandy, Keep it all in perspective...

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