Monday, May 21, 2012

Laissez Albumin Seal

I've been hemming pants again, wish I were taller and this wouldn't be a necessity so often.  
Platform shoes don't help much either, I've tried.

see? She can't even wear pants because they would have to be cut off at the knees.  
(NOT even a reasonable facsimile of me- my hair is shorter.)

But in light of the leopard platform booties, I have an encaustic sarcastic comment on Leopard Pants:
(hmmm, don't know why that came out orange...)

  metaphorically speaking...

HORROR:  There's an important shift brewing in your social world now that the Sun, Moon and Venus are all occupying your 11th House of Friends. Something out of the ordinary may occur, ultimately making you feel as if your friends or co-workers aren't even on your side. However, these feelings could be just an illusion playing a trick on you. Let things develop naturally and don't try to read too much into the current situation.
The Current Situation Ain't Gonna Bother Me, No Siree, Sir! 

Now, a couple of the finalist entries from the squirrel contest:

 (OK, it's not a squirrel in a costume, it's a dog in a squirrel costume.  Close but no cigar.)
And the LUCKY WINNER is.........................

Someone who has declined the offer of my fabric, just wants the glory with none of the responsibilities.  Geesh, I can't even give it away.  Guess I'll make the 4 year old a batik dress or three-  she will like the purple.

The really good thing is that you can still buy this squirrel.  I'm passing on it so it's yours.  If you do put in the winning bid and get this guy for your mantle, let me know and I'll make him a wee codpiece for those times when modesty is necessary, like when the priest comes for the house-blessing, or your mother-in-law storms in to check if you're feeding your family correctly.  Funny how it will match Hazel's new dresses too, so you can invite her over at the same time.

And you all know where to direct your complaints, right?


Mary Beth said...

Phew now I can lay off the tranqs, since the worry over that fabric is past. I have to say some of the squirrels I saw were disturbing but I guess if taxidermy and squirrels is your thing... I'm taking my psychic angst and giving it the day off today.

mbfrezon said...

Meanwhile Oxford words is re-tweeting really bad jargon in honor of national memo day and this one just popped up:

Really?! “@Numinousviews: @OxfordWords 'socialise the idea' and 'let's shake the tree and see if a squirrel falls out' #CorporateJargon”

Bobbi said...

Quick, what's that ebay number in case I need to bid?