RIP Maurice. You deserve your time off. Thanks for everything.
__________________________________________________________________________I like [children] as few as far between as adults. Maybe a bit more, because I really don't like adults at all. Maurice Sendak
From Frank Zappa, my favorite!
Unfortunately I had already listened to all those other people (except for a priest) by the time Frank entered my life so I've been doing damage control ever since. I'm not done yet.
In exactly one hour I have an appointment to drop off the canine tribe at the Lush Puppy PET RESORT AND SPA for their morning of unrestricted play with others of their ilk. So they get their pedicures while *I* hit the pet store to invest in yet another new 50# bag o' kibble, drag myself on to the doctor to pick up a new prescription and some free samples to get me going, to FedEx to mail out three boxes, and then on to the bank (to pay for all this frivolity) and finally ending my circle at the GD 'Pet Resort' where I will pick up two leaping over-excited dogs who will be trying to kill each other on the ride home from trying to both get in my lap to show me that they are the one who loves me best and therefore deserving of an entire hard boiled egg, not just a half. This will be one of those mornings of the $$$ just flying out of the car window on my drive-bys, and what do I get for all this besides an empty gas tank? I'll have to meditate on that and get back to you later. I probably should check the Horror before I embark---
How Do It Know???
Your current practical approach to communication works well for you today, but you may experience an inner conflict between your personal and professional goals. Fortunately, you can accomplish nearly anything you put your mind to now, even if you wish you were doing something else. Just remember to think your plans through all the way to the end before you head out in the wrong direction.
Simply uncanny, isn't it?
So, maybe I will get to the studio, maybe not, but I'm gonna try. Steely Dan is apparently 'in the house' this morning and I am feeling the hair grow under my arms listening to it. Being gone will be a good thing.
Leon Golub: artists, we're in the consciousness raising industry.

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