Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Crandall Penates Bart

But we have Venus to watch tonight so it will all be fine.  So says the Horror:

You Lions are particularly sensitive today as the love planet Venus comes directly between the Earth and the Sun. You're confident about your direction and eager to squeeze as much enjoyment as possible out of your life now. However, social demands pull you in many directions. If you're feeling over-stimulated you might not be able to decide which course of action to choose. Don't make any rash or impulsive decisions today. Taking your time to respond increases your chances of achieving true satisfaction.

Gotta see it now because I (probably) won't be around for the next chance.  Unless I join Ted Williams in perpetuity.

Started off the day by having to haul Molly into the sink to give her a bit of an ass-cleaning.  She hasn't been groomed in awhile and needs that doggie bikini wax to stay 'fresh'.  And the clog explains her weird poop habits the last day.  OK I should have investigated earlier.  So now her towel and assorted things that got splashed on are whirring away ion the washer.  Next it is me into the showers, but I don't have this particular problem, more interested in getting my head hair washed, and I don't use the oatmeal medicated shampoo.

  TY in plaid and pins
heh heh

Today I am going to my stitch group and hopefully will be able to talk some of the people there into de-fringing the crochet blanket I got on eBay. It's not as fabulous as I had hoped, I was anticipating a heavier CRUNCHIER crochet, but once I get the fringe off this one and submit it to the dye maybe it will tighten up. Wouldn't ya know that the one I pick has brings on ALL sides and it was put on my somebody who really got into their fringing too, nice and tight.  Too bad I hate fringe because I am gathering quite a pile of thrums-  every bird in town will have the same interior design in their nests this spring.  So far I have removed about a foot, only have about 32 feet to go!  If any of you have dyeing tips for me, please write-  I am NOT a dyer and will gladly regale you with the 16 yards of magenta it took years to divest from my first experiments.  RIT?  I want charcoal gray, or perhaps I should go for black since dye isn't as intense as I am thinking?  Also, I have a front loader washer-  how do I handle that?  HELP!  I think I'll put this quandary out to the SAQA list and see what bubbles up.

Here are a couple if fails in the crochet department, don't want this to be ME on somebody else's blog!  Above is Superman with the granny who knit his first costume, and below are (ummm?) pants, so very attention-grabbing.  And they are apparently for sale on etsy, embiggen the picture for the info.  Or crochet your own.

And because I need a laugh after the dog-ass start to my day,  here's a vegan bear-skin rug:

An artist cannot fail; it is a success to be one.
Charles Horton Cooley
Hmmm, guess the color of the day is orange, isn't it...

1 comment :

Mary Beth said...

I'd love to get me some of this horrorscope goodness. I need something LOL.

PS the captcha image showed me a picture and a word that amounted to

"29 toootos"

that alone should tell me something I guess, if only I knew how to read the entrails.