You make a living by what you earn; you make a life by what you give. Winston Churchill.
Done! Spinach and Feta wrapped in phyllo. Had some leftover dough so wrapped some sundried tomatoes and olives and red peppers in a few more. I'm sure there will be other things because there will be lots of people!
So, I'm sitting here googling phyllo to see how long to cook the triangles and I look up and someone is looking back at me! Meet my new puppy, another foundling apparently.
He is living in the sea grape tree right outside my window and today I had a camera ready. Unfortunately the indoor puppies saw him about the same time I did so there was one hell of a ruckus over having to perhaps share their food. I'm gonna find him a friend- a guy with a big Hav-a-Hart trap and the ability to take a long ride into the country in the back of a pick-up. This is the critter who has been pooping in my pool, I'll wager. Brazen, I tell ya. Southern raccoons live out in the daylight, unlike their northern cousins. And they are not at all afraid of humans or dogs. Gotta get him out of here before somebody gets hurt.
I have one thing to show you before I go knit for an hour-
Cake you think? Look again! These are made out of vintage chenille bedspreads! Doesn't it look just like fancy frosting? In the minute it took me to post these photos, I lost the URL to the flickr set. Sigh. Enjoy your cake, I have to get off this computer! (Will hunt it down for you if you want, leave a request!) They were very cute. I do remember the gal's name was Carma.
What I REALLY want to do is put on a warm sweater and sit and knit till my fingers fall off. And I might be able to do that.
Happy New Year to all of you, and thanks so much for hanging in there with me.

1 comment :
Happy New Year Sandy
Just leaving a comment so you don't think you are alone.
Cheers Jan
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