Wednesday, January 30, 2013

arrogate joan male

(For anyone who cares, I got the white bunnies (see yesterday's post), didn't know there were others swimming around until I did an internet search.  But if I had all three, I think I still would have gone with the white ones- their fur shows up better in the water.  My own beloved rabbit was pure black but that wasn't a choice.  Pity)

Some people feel guilty about their anxieties and regard them as a defeat of faith; 
but they are afflictions, not sins.     C.S. Lewis

THE CLOUD APPRECIATION SOCIETY, yes, it's a real thing!  Get your head in the clouds~ I am most certainly a member, as are these guys:

Tomás Saraceno  at Andersen’s Contemporary Berlin. The exhibition consisted of numerous suspended geometric clouds made from white matte paper along with video, photographic, and sculptural pieces. You can read a bit more about it here.

Delicate plastic sculpture work by artist Daniel Arsham. Though the web site labels the materials as “plastic” my hunch would be these are ping pong balls that have been dyed and somehow adhered into these incredible structures.
That's not photoshop; that's an actual cloud hovering inside an actual room. Artist Berndnaut Smilde merges art and science to create small man-made clouds that exist — albeit for just a moment — indoors.  Berndnaut Smilde uses a fog machine to make the actual clouds, but also carefully regulates the humidity and temperature. Even so, these installations exists for a mere moment before dissipating inside the room. If you're not there in the moment, then you only get to experience these brief scientific sculptures as photographs.
Here's one of my photos of a cloud taking up the entire sky right over my house just before a hurricane-  yes, it's YELLOW!  Does that prove I'm a member?  
SO, now that I've finished clouding, I next have some cool raven videos.  Had a crow-show too but it never made it to blogger.  Lost in a cloud, probably...
(Sometimes I kill myself with irony)

1 comment :

mary beth frezon said...

I am, myself, a card-carrying member of the Cloud Appreciation Society - I have the badges and certificate to prove it! Love those guys a lot!