Thursday, January 31, 2013

ill apron bread bale

Art work is ordinary work, but it takes courage to embrace that work, 
and wisdom to mediate the interplay of art and fear.
David Boyles & Ted Orland

Hung the rabbits!  Hired a guy who showed up in an hour complete with his tools and level and it was up in no time,  Then he took all the wrappings to throw away for me!  Another reason I love Florida-  it's like being in Assisted Living!  Nothing is a 'problem'.

I thought I was finished with clouds, but wouldn't you know, this one crossed my path as soon as I sent yesterday's blog on it's way:
 Chris Drury, “The Way of White Clouds” 

These images are by Heidi Voet- she takes a model's photo and 'finishes' it with vegetables.  While I was on her site I checked out her work and found it all quite wonderful-  for instance this rug constructed of Swatch watches: 

Do go check out her other work, mostly conceptual projects that really make you think!

Circles in the Sand, Ruarri Joseph

More photography!  Without the use of a camera Portland-based architect and artist Jim Kazanjian sifts through a library of some 25,000 images from which he carefully selects the perfect elements to digitally assemble mysterious buildings born from the mind of an architect gone mad. While the architectural and organic pieces seem wildly random and out of place, Kazanjian brings just enough cohesion to each structure to suggest a fictional purpose or story that begs to be told.  Love these, just in case you are lookign for a present for me any time soon!

Montreal-based artist Maskull Lasserre recently completed a new body of work for an exhibition titled Fable at Centre Space gallery in Toronto that ran through January 19th. Lasserre is known for his incredible ability to carve anatomical forms of animals, people, insects and other forms out of inanimate objects such as doors, tables, pianos, and even instruments. The artist discusses the intent behind his work:
'When the remnants of life are imposed on an object, and that’s true especially with the carving work that I do, it infers a past history or a previous life that had been lived, so again where people see my work as macabre, I often see it as hopeful, as the remnants of a life. Despite the fact that the life has ended, at least that life had a beginning and middle as well, so often by imparting these bodily elements to inanimate objects it reclaims or reanimates them in a virtual way.'
Okey Doke-  with that I am closing shop here and don't know when I'll be back.  I'm headed to Boston to help my daughter with the grand babies since she will be laid up with shoulder surgery and also to get my furniture out of storage and put my condo back together.  For the next ten days I will be lucky to get a sandwich, let alone turn in a blog every day.  
Having things done long distance is scary-  I am VERY worried about the paint color used in the whole room-  my contractor called it mustard but the little color chip I had picked was called Yorkshire Tan and supposed to be a taupe variation.  Maybe the mustard is the brown kind, not the ballpark kind?  We'll see.  I may be in for even more painting, stay tuned. 

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