Saturday, February 02, 2013

saturday report from the artic fields

Look, mah, no spam generated title, no opening visual thought, no pithy quote, I'm just jumping right in today.  Don't get scared, it's just like olde tymes back in 2003.  And so... 

Got back to Boston the other night to my completely empty condo (except for aoms paint cans and ladders) about ten thirty, My daughter had called and her shoulder operation had been moved up to first thing in the morning-  she had to be in hospital at 7 so *I* had to be at her house by 6 which meant I had to leave here at FIVE.  Her babysitter had called a day or two ago with a case of the norovirus so I was on full-time.  I set three alarms, was up anyway at 3:30 worrying I'd miss the alarms.  Realized the car was on *E* so had to run around the town looking for an open gas station and in that hysteria I realized I was wrong in my backwards arithmetic-  I had to leave BY 5, not GET UP at 5.  So I was screwed up. Fortunately there aren't a lot of drivers out there at that hour so I pretty much gunned it to Ipswich and was only 30 minutes late-  told her that if anybody has to be there for an operation, it's the patient and not to worry.  They took my car so I could drive hers with the carseats if I had to go somewhere.  And so, the day began.

First, I needed coffee badly so Hazel jumped up on the counter and ground the beans, measured it out, filled the carafe, and turned it on!  She is not five yet. She makes their coffee every morning, like a little trained monkey.  Little did I realize I could see through it so I threw it back in to drip again as soon as her back was turned.
my barista

It took me a long time of fiddling to get the damn tv on, but thank god I figured it out even though the only channel I could get was PBS.  I managed later to get a DVD in-  Hazel's choice, 'Living Earth' where she pitched a fit because I couldn't fast fwd through the first 'Forest' half and get to he 'Undersea' part.  OK, that got us to 9 AM when they wanted lunch.
tv watching, only way to get him without camera blur

They have a lock on the refrigerator because Elias raids it at will.  I  didn't have it locked, so he walked in with a quart of strawberries half eaten-  he hulls them with his little fist.  Took them for a walk into town, maybe 6-8 blocks, and we ate lunch, 'yellow' muffins, mind you it was windy and in the 20's. thought I'd die of exposure.  He picked up handfuls of dirt all the way home, bare hands, and tried to put it into his pockets.  i had to barr him from the house until he dumped the dirt he was hoarding.  He took 45 minutes scooting around the yard looking for the right place, finally took a shovel (one handed) and tried to dig a hole for it.  Too funny, TOO intense!  
the taunting of squirrels.  My granddogs, Hector and Flossie

LONG day, my SIL called from the hospital with several updates and she was out in less time than anticipated.  Hopefully this will translate to quicker recovery.  They got back at about 5 and I grabbed my keys as soon as I could.  PBS saved my life-  they will get a bigger donation this year.

AND they gave me today off.  Good thing, the electrician has to take all the pendant lights down and put new sockets on them so I am headed to the lighting store to see if I can find better ones that give more light-  mine are not bright enough and I've put up with it for 13 yeas now.  So I'm putting stuff back where I can.  i LOVE my new black room, the former studio-  so happy I did it.  The rest of the place is just a few shades darker than before-  the color of baby poo but I do like it OK.  
the new black

former studio (the old white!), all moved to Florida

completed repaired wall and floor, just like new now.

wall exposed and leaking, just a few weeks ago

former living room, being used

new floor, new paint, Ricolaaaaa, Ricolaaaa...

SO, i'll hit Ipswich tomorrow all refreshed from physical labor hanging the curtains back and sorting through things I don't want may more (12 full place settings of the Spode Christmas plates, bowls, mugs, etc?.)   Nobody wants it, understandably, but they still sell it at TJMaxx, go figure.  Maybe next Christmas season I'll stand outside the store with the trunk of my car open-  people get rid of kittens that way, or so I hear.  

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