Friday, January 18, 2013

ruddy spattered seared

Wonderful sentiment, and you can buy a print HERE

"Anxiety is the essential condition of intellectual and artistic creation 
and everything that is the finestin human history."
Charles Frankel

And I thought the torment was over.  Ha.  Now a New Jersey brewer, Flying Fish Brewery Company, has come up with 'FU Sandy'  hybrid wheat-pale ale inspired by the storm., and the profits are supposedly being donated to 'NJ Sandy victims'.  But meanwhile the LABLE is out there and I am a bit hurt, OK I mean PISSED, by it all.  ('FU' supposedly stands for 'forever unloved'-  Oh, that is SO much better.  For cryin-out-loud.)

Why is it, whenever I google something, I get a bunch of ads for Dog Quilts or Dog Quilt Patterns?  Wish I could turn ads off, especially when they are so off what I want to read about.  I know it's from blogging continually about my dogs and my quilts.  maybe I will come up with code words for both and we can see what hits the screen here.  I know, I'll only use the dog names, and I will call my quilts 'my work'.  Will report how long it takes to reinvent my side bar ads.

Solved the problem of too many people coming to the Open House buy renting a small tent, the kind that farmers market and craft show folks use.  I'm going to put garage door up and install the tent right in front of it in the parking lot as a welcome space.  And if things get too crowded, people can wander out to the cement and schmooze and drink wine.  I have two small tables I can install in it and plenty of quilts to cover them.  I'll then drag out the 3 8' insulation boards with small work on them.  I have the thickest insulation boards I could buy and they are inside in front of the heavy dark metal garage door that sucks up heat from afternoon sun.  No kidding, I can feel the heat radiating off of the door from halfway across the studio.  The insulation boards stopped that but they are just tied on.  I'll have to cut the strings to move them and open up, but that will give me a chance to put in more permanent velcro when it all goes back together.  

Like this, but without the stuff!  Though I DO like the flag thingies across the top edge-  might have to make some of those, and a great use for the huge stack of batik prints I won't ever use!

The Afternoon Round-Up:  I've sewn the bodice on the Leadville sister, still have the ruffles to go.  I cut out 14 double sided pennant-shaped flag things for the tent, think I might just fuse them and not sew if I have enough old fusible leftover.  Sure would be easier.  I photographed the Circles book opened, and closed.  Then I hemmed SIX pairs of pants-  no wonder I don't have anything to wear.  They are all in a pile ready to head home.


Oh, you want to see the book?  I mean, while you're here?  Sure:
9" vintage weaponry inkjet prints, some biological forms and maps.  Corduroy, linen, artist's own paste papers, and various other materials and papers.
open cover
fully open
first tier open
second tier folded open
closed back, signed and dated with a comment:  
'arguably, a book'


mary beth frezon said...

I'm just gonna stick my neck out there, a chunk into the first month of the new year and say, glad I get to read you and all your ecclectic quotes and images! Thank you m'dear.

max said...

What Mary Beth said . . . although I am usually a day late . . . it is how I start my mornings . . . with a dose of Sandy!

Anonymous said...

We call flag thingies "bunting".
No need to fuse together, they flap nicely in a light breeze if you just stitch the top to some tape or binding.
I think they look better if not over made, just thrown together at the last minute.
Good luck with the open studio.
Cheers Jan

Sandy said...

Thanks Jan! Bunting it is, and now I have TWICE as many as I thought if I don't back them! Maybe I'll attach them to dowels and we can have a procession through the parking lot! I'll make 'em work for their wine...

Anonymous said...

Colour and movement, that's what will attract and entertain the masses. I mean from the bunting, not you!
Although I don't know you well enough, perhaps you are like me and after a few bubbles I can get a bit mobile and colourful.
Wish I lived closer so I could come and play on the day.
Ditto Mary Beth and Max.
Cheers Jan