Monday, February 11, 2013

capistrano dublin brahms

A bit tasteless today in bloggy-land, sorry.  But on the home front the plans are working out.  TY's friend who was planning on staying with us in FL has found other accommodations an actually returns back to Boston before we leave.  And MY friend who was uncomfortable staying in out house without me there too was able to change her flight and actually, unbelievably, and against all odds, get on the same flight we are on!  So, we now have another two days available here-  one for each kid!  I love it when a plan comes together... (said with reluctance because we all know that 'Sandy Plans and God Laughs!')

To succeed, jump as quickly at opportunities as you do at conclusions. Benjamin Franklin

Kate Jenkins' fabulous Knit Heart Art

 Photographer and artist Angela Christine Smith has this series of five works in a project called Dissections which feature herself, her silver gelatin photography and her inked overlay anatomical illustrations, combined for a compelling effect. 

This is what happens to Alvin Ailey dancers ?

Clay Glass Metal Stone Gallery is presenting its Third Annual Peeps Show on Friday, March 15th.  This will be the last Peeps Show at the Gallery’s current location, 605 Lake Avenue in Lake Worth FL.  It's open to all to show a Peeps diorama and a fun show to visit!  Above is a favorite from last year's show.

So, What's new with you?

1 comment :

Kay Koeper Sorensen said...

You wouldn't have to ask What's new with me? if you had read my blog today!!!!!!!!!!!