Friday, February 08, 2013

casserole headphone indefatigable

Perfection is attained by slow degrees; it requires the hand of time. Voltaire

Just finished putting everything in this house back where it was before the problems.  i was so happy with the new arrangement-  more informal and friendly, less traditional, yet using everything from before in a new way.  But it didn't meet with approval when TY saw it.  So back it goes.  I am not doing this with a light heart.  Dammit.  I loved the changes, one of which was getting an awful portrait of his mother out of my dining room.  Oh, I loved his mother, just hate the portrait because it was done by her art teacher and it was in the old royal portrait method of glorifying the subject.  She isn't even recognizable with these finely chiseled features and the pensive look of a teenager when in actuality she was probably in her late 50's when it was done.  Sigh.  I have her facing the wall now trying to figure out what to do.  Other than slashing it.  

(Note my choice of opening poster and quote above?)

My friend Linda made her first video the other night at crit group filming my 'Circles' book and how it unfolds and ties back up.  Looks like it needs a bit ore weighting when I get back to the studio!

'Back to the Studio' is turning into a pipe dream.  We are under a nor'eastern blizzard watch for the next two days and my flight out is scheduled for Saturday night just as it winds down.  Fat chance there will be a plane after a blizzard because they try to get them all out of range ahead of time.  But every time I come back here I get to live through a blizzard- why would this trip be different?  My doggies are incarcerated and I had promised I would get them Sunday, hope they understand.  But more than that I hope I left them enough food!  

Friday noon report:  It's snowing.  Lots.  Checked JetBlue and it's still a scheduled flight but i know that's a pipe dream.  SO, I just made Brownies-  we need something to do this afternoon.  Later I'm going to make clam sauce for some spaghetti, tomorrow it's pancakes.  OK, so I'm carb loading, shoot me.  

To get beyond the impending plight (when the 'lectric goes away) I guess I'll post a few arty things:

 Using hundreds of second-hand shirts Finnish environmental artist Kaarina Kaiakkonen creates site-specific installations suspended above roadways or inside large warehouse spaces. Her most recent work Are We Still Going On? (top images), was conceived at Collezione Maramotti, a private collection of contemporary art in Reggio Emilia, Italy, and involves hundreds of children’s shirts hung in rows to resemble the interior hull of a giant ship. The shirts are organized by color on each side of the skeletal boat to represent a sort of symbolic dialogue about gender. 

Li Hongbo demonstrating, how his paper sculptures work.

What at first looks like delicate works of carved porcelain are actually thousands of layers of soft white paper, carved into busts, skulls, and human forms by Beijing artist Li Hongbo. A book editor and designer, the artist became fascinated by traditional Chinese toys and festive decorations known as paper gourds made from glued layers of thin paper which can be stored flat but then opened to reveal a flower or other shape. He applied the same honeycomb-like paper structure to much larger human forms resulting in these highly flexible sculptures.

Stockholm-based photographer Christian Åslund recently payed tribute to retro 2D video games using the streets of Hong Kong as a backdrop. The photos were taken as part of an ad campaign for shoe brand Jim Rickey utilizing models who would lay flat on the streets or sidewalks to create the unique perspective.

Beatrice Coron, cut paper projects, on TED,  love the details in these!  Check her site for much more!

And now back to watching the snow come down.  Damn.

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