Wednesday, February 06, 2013

glassware emblazon hereunder

 Those who know do not speak; those who speak do not know. 
Lao Tzu (4th Century BC)

Sitting here for a minute before I get back to furniture moving and junk stashing, and listening to the guy shoveling the sidewalk out front.  One of the benefits of condo living is that somebody else does this.  One of downsides of condo living is that said condo is located in the northeast where said activity is necessary!  Last night after my crit group I went to the car and found it completely covered in the stuff and of course have no snow brush.  Roads were covered and driving home was sketchy late at night because the freaking tire light went on again.  So today I have to find out if it's the same tire (BAD news!) or another tire, and then which one!  

Furniture arrived yesterday and I've been working on getting things put away with only one rule-  nothing is allowed to go back where it came from. I'm moving pictures from room to room, setting up furniture in different ways, and hopefully getting rid of a few things.  Kiddos are coming over tomorrow night for their first sleep-over so I'm also hiding stuff and wrapping up cords so they don't trip on them when they squeeze behind the couch.  It's quite amazing how they gravitate immediately to the one thing I haven't secured!  I'm still picking sticky stuff out of the piano keys from months ago, even the piano mover commented on it as he way lying underneath it screwing it's parts back onto position.

Grand Central, March 25-31-  Nick Cave Soundsuit Horses

These amazing pillows  are available with all sorts of people on them-  go pick one or seven out because aren't they more interesting than who is sitting on your couch right now?  My favorite is Frank Zappa.

combined ceramics:  The artist has taken thin slices of ceramics and applied them in layers to other pieces to develop new scenes and stories.  Her statement:
The manipulation of existing material is central in my work. I rework found objects, mainly second hand ceramic items, so that they take on new meanings.
I’m interested in how the interventions direct or obstruct the associations of the viewer. The manipulated objects are characterised by a tension between the recognisable and the mysterious, the familiar and the unfamiliar. I rework the ceramics by cutting directly into it, by sculpting and sanding, and by combining elements from different objects. In this way, the work process becomes a way of questioning the material and highlighting stories contained in the objects.

Robert Townsend, watercolor mastery.  from his statement: 

“More than anything, I think my work is about vernacular culture. It is concerned with ordinary domestic and functional objects or themes….I seem to be concerned with expressing a generally American and specifically Southern California voice. As for the Californian – the elements are the weather, car culture, surf culture, and the general lack of historical reference.”

I only wish I could claim him as a relative!
OK, time to get back to trying to find places for all this stuff.  I just heard that there is going to be a massive snow storm coming through on the night I have the kiddos for a sleepover.  I have NO food in the house and dread a supermarket trip with everybody's brother stocking up, but I have to do it.  There goes my day.  Oh, did I mention we don't have a tv?  This isn't going to be fun.  I should grab a snow brush while I'm at it.

1 comment :

Mary Beth Frezon said...

Hope it's all a weatherman's ummm dream... too many exclamation marks to imagine anything but a fizzle which is a sad reflection of the hyping of everything including the weather. But, be that as it may be, I hope I get sent home early enough tomorrow if it pans out. Safety and power for you!

childhood memories: •
windows full of falling snow •
a day paused, blizzard.