Saturday, February 09, 2013

propelling fishery census

In art, the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can imagine. 

This one from my friend Bev SNOW.

OK, that's ferrets in snow.  I do not greet MY bowl of snow with such enthusiasm.  Here's my living room window this morning:
No snow on the roof across the street because of the high winds all night-  it all got dumped on the cars below so there are about 10 folks out there working on them now.

And the snow plow STUCK in the street outside about 6 AM!  The guy is shoveling around the wheels to no avail,A few minutes later another plow guy came along and helped.  Flight still hasn' been cancelled so we are hoping to get out tonight IF we can figure a way to get to the airport.  
Flying is such fun.

Tools of the Trade video- Directed, filmed, and produced by Christophe Thockler the clip uses 10,000 photographs of needles, thread, cloth and embroidery, mixed with clever lighting techniques to produce a fun video for Favorite Place, the latest track by US pop rock band Black Books.

Using carefully broken shards of colored glass, Polish artist Marta Klonowska assembles translucent animals in life-like proportion and size. Almost all of her sculptures are based on animals found in baroque and romantic paintings by such artists as Peter Paul Rubens or Francisco de Goya next to which they are often displayed. Her work appeared most recently at European Glass Context 2012, and you can see many more images over on lorch + seidel contemporary.  

Artist Crystal Gregory created this Invasive Crochet installation as part of a show in New York called Art in Odd Places. Via her web site:Invasive Crochet challenges gender roles by placing handwork on hardened city surfaces around New York. Crocheting lace doilies onto the razor wire of an abandoned lot for the 14th Street public art show Art in Odd Places, smothering the urban landscape in a soft, decorative, and familiar juxtaposition.

HELLLLP, Get me outta here!

1 comment :

Mandi said...

Sorry you're stuck!

Love the videos...thanks for taking the time to search out the best while you're trapped :)