Monday, February 04, 2013

fullerton shay azerbaijan

Taking a new step, uttering a new word is what people fear most.   Dostoyevsky

Back last spring when I was making the cigar box centerpieces for my son and daughter-in law's wedding, I had to drill out 'plugs' from the stacked and glued boxes to make space for the little bud vase. I ended up collecting all these plugs and wondering what to do with them.  Eventually I sanded them around the raw edges and covered them with pieces of gold ribbon to make them fancy before threaded them together with some connecting wooden beads and used linen twine.  What I ended up with was pretty cool looking so I entered it into the new 500 Necklaces book from Lark and heard today it's been accepted!  Yayyy!  Here it is:

The book is due out in June of this year and I'll notify you of it about forty times between now and then! 

I found a gas station where the guy didn't speak English but I was able to point and make a flat hand at the wheels. he walked around and decided to fill one tire an that was sufficient to turn off the dash light. because he came out of the office for me he got a big tip.  And I was on my way for my hour drive north feeling safer for the first time.

My daughter was doing great yesterday, up and around and pretty much off her pain meds until late afternoon. The kids were at the Aquarium so I got a little one-on-one time with her without the interruptions. She's doing so well that I feel good about leaving on Saturday. Her babysitter is over the norovirus and due in today to wrangle kids so I'm going to attend to stuff in my own house until she calls and needs me.  Tomorrow is the furniture delivery from storage so I will pretty much stuck here dealing with that.  Today I need to shop for some things and go through some piles I hastily stashed in off-limits places to the workmen.  Unfortunately I also hid things from myself. Much to do!  Good news is that I found my toolbox!  With apologies to all the workmen in and out of here I have been swearing at.

I did go back to grab the rug and it's perfect.  Mostly perfect because it had been marked down overnight and I got it for $175- how cool is that!  Plus I'll be getting my 10% coupons too.  So, the room so far:
Even though this is a black room, there are only two painted walls-  one is all brick and the other is brick flanking the double glass doors. It was a perfect studio, I loved this space as my own, hope I can love it again in it's new form.  I know, kind of empty but this room with just this rug seems fully furnished compared to the rest of the place!  Everything is relative, right?  I found a curtain for that low window and have to pick it up later-  I wouldn't bother but it looks out on the street and anybody walking by can look up at me sitting there.  Not that I wear skirts...but... It also has a set of bars to keep kids and dogs from falling out which has to be reinstalled.  

And now let's talk some ahhht (I'm in Boston, remember?)

Almost 30 years ago a Japanese custodian sat in front of a large A1 size sheet of white paper, whipped out a pen and started drawing the beginnings of diabolically complex maze, each twist and turn springing spontaneously from his brain onto the paper without aid of a computer. The hobby would consume him as he drew in his spare time until its completion nearly 7 years later when the final labyrinth was rolled up and almost forgotten.

Paper artist Lisa Nilsson (previously) recently completed a number of new anatomical pieces using her profoundly incredible skill with quilling, a tedious process where paper is tightly wound into small rolls and then assembled into larger artworks.

another killer gif, at least this one is silent

And here's what's for dinner.  Please, after you!   I insist.
whatever do you suppose it might be?