Sunday, February 03, 2013

Sunday Without a Rat's Ass

Sunday, February 3, 2013 Horrors:Tensions abound as you struggle to control your feelings during a family conflict. However, denying what's in your heart now only adds to your frustration. As difficult as it may be, try to engage your emotions fully today while remaining detached from the outcome. Do everything you can to express your opinions in the present moment, but stay open to whatever happens. Hopefully, this strategy enables you to improve any situation without setting yourself up for disappointment.
This is NOT the message I need as I head off to Ipswich to be with family all day.  I'll do anything to avoid a conflict so maybe I'll be home very quicklyTire light is on in the car, have to get that attended to before hitting the turnpike- think it's just from not being driven for 3 months and pressure is down.  I hate to admit I*don't*know*what*to*do...  Know the pressure numbers are somewhere in the car, at least they should be.  It's freakin snowing out so the gas station guys won't leave their little glass boxes, I speak from experience.

Can't get anything done-  can't find my iron to iron the wadded up drapes, so have decided that drapes are so passé.  Will re-wad them and stick them somewhere. Have hung a few pictures on nails the painters didn't remove (!) and my rule is that nothing can be hung where it was before.  We'll see how that flies with the guy who doesn't do well with upheaval.  Discovered that the double coat closet in the hall has one painted and one unpainted inside door.  Do I give a rat's ass?
 Nope.  Otherwise I would paint it myself rather than get the troop back in here.

Yesterday I stopped at Home Goods and found a 'very affordable' rug that I am going to go back and get today if it's still there-  foot-wide black and white stripes, will be smashing in the new black room.
 I did end up with a cool side lamp too, and with my accumulated coupons it cost me $27.  Hell, it's worth that even if it isn't electrified!  Also, found new 'very affordable' pendant lights for the kitchen and have to get those ordered, not at Home Goods, thank yew-  I went to the UNaffordable lighting place where I took whatever I could find that would hold a 100w bulb!  Can you tell my heart isn't in this?

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