Tuesday, February 12, 2013

knickerbocker murk gauge

Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.
 Roger Miller

I was so happy to accidentally encounter the Time Travel video-  just what I want to get me over this snow bank of a situation!  I only want to time travel a few days ahead so mine should be an easy ticket to book.  Steven wants me to travel backwards to 2009 but I've been there, done that and want to go forward now wearing the tee shirts.
Steven Hawking Gives a Party!

COMPETITIVE PLANING. who knew…  Yes, Virginia, there IS something for everyone!

                                                            extreme knitting calendar: 
There are eleven more celebrity knit designs you simply have to collect~

Disabled goldfish in his new life preserver.  Looks like the other fish may be jealous.

I'm wired, this may be me, who knows.

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