Monday, March 04, 2013

hoard ellen calamitous

Sorry I didn't get this up before now, had to go out to breakfast and who could turn that down?

In Painting we discover demons; If we don't exorcise them, they devour your ass.  Kyle Chayka

 It's tricky to follow through on your best ideas now because you are easily distracted by other people. Unfortunately, their projects sound even better than yours, tempting you to set your plans aside today. Don't forget that you have your own valuable skills to bring to the table. However, it may be more beneficial in the long run to scale back a grandiose scheme so you can relax and enjoy your current situation instead of pinning all your dreams on the future. HORRORS

Sad or Lonely? Buy Boxes!  
Weekend is over, I got so little done it's a crime.  I only was in the studio for a short time each day, just enough to cut out two tops from some beautiful scarves I bought at the consignment shop.  I had drawn the pattern out the other day so the cutting went fast, but I couldn't bring up enough energy to set up the machine.  I also worked on the Snowdrop/Snow White box and got the 1911 story printed out and collated as well as the pictures of the fire hydrants/dwarfs.  Next I am putting in a copy of the 1937 story, the abbreviated version which I printed out on a washed watercolor paper and am not ripping into strips to weave.  This will be a third 'book', an accordion, for the box, and I think it will be done when I finish this part.  Pictures maybe later, but I really want to get it done first.

(I know, I know-  what the bloody hell is she talking about???)

Doctors appointment later today which screws up the center of the day, but hopefully I will be able to finish ripping up the second version of the story and mount it on something to hold it together.  And maybe I will even get the machine back on line.

 My friend Sylvia is over in Switzerland on her annual trip back to Basel for Carnevale, something she has done since childhood.  The theme this year seemed to be knitted, and she just sent me these photos of the parades:

I can see why wearing knitted costumes would be necessary in the cold weather, plus many of the parades run long into the night.

I don't quite understand this, perhaps somebody jumps out of the box?

In Other News
A hooked tapestry from long ago, yarn.  Oy.
Where in hell would you put this of your mom was the artist?  I'm having problems with a much smaller cross-stitched desert scene!

An amazing scissors collection, not mine, for Terry who also has way too many!

Gorgeous Raven.  Wish he would lose some feathers on my lawn...

1 comment :

Terry Grant said...

Oh, those scissors made my heart beat very fast!