Thursday, August 08, 2013

whir arbiter cogitate

I've done handwork since I was three years old, when Mom started me embroidering.  Jane Smith

Barbara De Pirro, crocheted plastic bags, installations in various temporary locations:  'roots & vines plastica' - crocheted plastic bags, temporary installation Heaven & Earth II, Carkeek Park, CoCA Seattle, WA .  De Pirro has several different projects going on so I'll show you different ones tomorrow-  all have to do with recycling and nature, like these.

That ole Pit Bull determination!

Pit Bull Rescue, you'll probably cry but not sad tears, Awwwwww tears!
(If you don't get it here, there's the direct YouTube link:)

Joan Miro's Studio

One of my personal favorite genres on which to cinematographically gorge myself is the art documentary. Here’s a list of 10 documentaries on art and visual culture available to stream on Netflix (in no particular order) that will fill you with creative inspiration — or, perhaps more accurately, help you delay the project with an impending deadline just a little bit longer.  
I only have 2 to finish and will probably do that today while working on handwork.  

Scientist-turned-artist Simon Park has transformed found dead bees into beautiful blue crystals by immersing them in a supersaturated solution of copper sulphate. The project titled "Bee-Jewelled" was inspired by recent news of mass bee deaths due to the use of new pesticides. "Having learnt that the apocalyptic die off of bees was due to their ability to accumulate environmental toxins and how this weakened them and made them more susceptible to disease, concentrating chemicals onto their dead bodies and turning them into crystals seemed to me to be the perfect way of highlighting their plight."

Onion article about Art Education:  School Of The Arts Aims To Transform Boys And Girls Into Insufferable Young Men And Women 

Albino Raven-  WOW!

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