Tuesday, August 06, 2013

mood donaldson henbane

Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.
Theodore Roosevelt

Less Irritating!  Less than Cigarillos?  Less than Cubans?

Standing in line at airport with Miss Teen New Hampshire behind me-  how do I know?  She is a full head taller than anybody at the airport!  Taller even than the pack of grown-man Eagle Scouts numbering maybe 30 and all, even the adults with em, all with hair dyed the colors of BBQ condiments-  two shades of mustard, ketchup, and a oarticarly nasty sirachua orange.  Anyway, back to Miss Teen etc-  she is about a size 2 for all that height with long blond hair and shorts with a tucked in shirt- the sign of someone with superior confidence for sure.  But the dead giveaway was her sparkly banner across her chest-  it must have been super sized for her, extra long with extra rhinestones that are blindingly sparkly.  I hope this is part of her contract cause it was just plain weird at 6 am in the ticket line.  I guess she doesn't get VIP treatment by JetBlue.

Eventful trip the last few days-  my last uncle died last Thurs, I got a voice message from my aunt at the end of out VT trip, but horrendous cellphone service so I couldn't call back for 2 days.  I hadn't been in contact for a long time and had just assumed that he, at 97 or so, had left the planet.  His main hobby was putting together an extensive genealogy and getting copies to all interested relatives.  He traveled far and wide gathering info and its great to have.  Want to see a picture of the ancestral castle as it appeared in National Geographic?  The story was about how all the owners of castles are broke so opening them to public (ick...) tours.  Sigh, there goes my claim to a pile of bricks in Merry Olde England.

The day we got back from VT we got a call that TY's aunt, my favorite person in his family, had died unexpectedly.  We immediately went over to the family's house where we got another call that the husband of an old friend had died within minutes of our aunt!  Because the tab for the 2 weeks stay at the Dog Spa was mounting close to $1000, we decided I would come back to FL and TY would handle the wakes and funerals this week.  This one I didn't argue about, thus my meeting with Miss Teen New Hampshire.

Decided to hit the grocery store before picking up the doggies so I didn't have to leave them alone immediately, but did a quick pick up shopping and discovered my wallet was back home.  They packed up the groceries and stuck them in a freezer and I raced home through major construction and got the wallet, retrieved the groceries, and then headed to pick up the very excited dogs.  We're now home and they are sound asleep at my feet, barely move when I nudge them a bit.  They must have learned this love of being home from me subconsciously.

I did get one piece of Good News last night -  my friend who had to have a hip replacement REPLACEMENT was awake and talking last night.  Everything supposedly went well, and in fact I got a test from her as I was getting off the plane wanting to know what I bought at our favorite shopping hole.  That's how I know she will be fine.  Soon, I hope.  Her hip apparatus was recalled-  who knew that happened?  Poor woman, imgine doing that twice!  

Hormazd Narielwalla is an artist who creates beautiful collage abstractions out of French domestic dress making patterns sourced from the fashion magazine Le Petit Echo De La Mode. Published in Paris between 1897 and 1983 Le Petit Echo de la Mode was a popular fashion and lifestyle magazine that made fashion accessible to the stylish Parisian housewife. Within it, Narielwalla finds inspiration for his beautiful compositions. "My art practice looks at how tailoring patterns can be viewed as beautiful drawings in their own right." he says, "As drawings they are abstract shapes of the human form, preceding Abstraction and Cubism."Find out more about Hormazd Narielwalla's work here.

Amazing felted, warped, and crocheted jewelry.  kjoo on Etsy by Maria Joao Ribeiro from Portugal. What a Beautiful color sense! 

 And FINALLY a studio that looks more like mine!  I'm in good, though messy,  company-  it's Alexander Calder's

Longhorn Squirrel

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