Greta Garbo said, “If only those who dream about Hollywood knew how difficult it all is.”
Still on heavy meds here on a too regular basis, oy, wish this week was over! I am a waitron, a water barer, and a sling adjuster. He is the all-night wanderer- moves from recliner to daybed to chair and in the morning I have a trail of 'beds' to pick up and refold. Wish I could get something else done around here, but when I start something I am called to attention. He says he feels better every day, but I can't imagine he will be ready to fly on Saturday. Please send positive thoughts along, I'm getting a bit tired of this self imposed helplessness. Yeah, he won't even carry a plate back to the kitchen on his way to another chair. Sigh. OK, I feel better, I unloaded. You guys are the cheapest shrinks on earth- thanks! In an hour we will be out of cookies and I bet that gets him moving. Report to follow.
Now, to get back to OUR WORLD, things that interest us,
oddities of the universe, and cool stuff:
bear attack
Always drink upstream from the herd.
Sleepy Chipmunk Camouflage
(don't get worried, I am still a squirrel-gal but someone sent me these adorable baby chipmunks and I gotta show you!)

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