"Self-discipline and stamina are the two major arms in a writer's arsenal." Leon Uris
No personal news today, things are what they are. I have a new ice pack for my own shoulder and I think it helps somewhat- I simply can't feel my arm at all! And that's a lot better than feeling it. And that enables me to go on about my business. This fall has been a bust- I haven't been able to enter anything and it's so depressing to read all the excited acceptance notes- not that I'm not happy for them, it's just that I want one too! But something I learned the hard way a long time ago is that you can't get accepted if you don't enter. Rarely do they come looking for you. Sigh. Next cycle, I hope.
Avoid fields.
Jump fences. Disciplinary boundaries and regulatory regimes are attempts to control the wilding of creative life. They are often understandable efforts to order what are manifold, complex, evolutionary processes. Our job is to jump the fences and cross the fields.
Keep skunks and bankers at a distance.
A couple more Banksy's for you. And I have noticed a few similarities between the Banksy visit to NY and the way people behave on the internet! All of a sudden he has haters- as soon as somebody is successful or has good news on the internet, they are deluged by congratulations, which dissolve into jealousy and 'how does SHE get this or that...", which evolves into how detrimentally whatever-it-is to society!
(I know this because it's the way I follow the Kardashians. I am appalled at them all, disgusted by their lifestyles of excess and debauchery, wonder how they have parlayed a couple of big asses and no discernible talent at anything in particular into Bentley's in every garage. I hate 'selfies' showing their latest eyelash or back view or 7" heels. And I am dreading the coming wedding knowing this one will be even bigger and more lavish than the 72 day, three dress version of two years ago. OK, they aren't ever going to go away as long an mama can get parts of herself pulled tighter and can wedge a few more photographic crews along for the ride. But my god, WHO watches these people? But to relate it to the internet and also to the reactions to Banksy, I am still in the admiring and wondering what's next stage with him, but know that at the end of the month quite a few folks are not going to be at the dock waving handkerchieves at his leaving.
Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a Rain dance.
Glass gem corn is a mix of many different Native American corn varieties. Unfortunately the popcorn does not come out rainbow-coloured. Seeds available here
Another colorful variety
American artist Jim Hodges has always had an innate ability to impress ideas of time into commonplace objects, whether using napkins for drawings, silk flowers pinned to walls or collections of broken mirrors. In his work, Untitled (2011), metaphors for nature are again followed by human involvement, allowing for reflection from the smallest material interactions. Comprised of four boulders which are capped with stainless steel veneers in gold, pink, lavender and blue, Untitled finds each stone arranged into a circular environment that directly invokes the viewer’s sense of space. Light and reflection play a role in the viewing, as colors meld and give the stones a surprising airy and weightless quality. Untitled’s colors were inspired by Hodges’ travels to India, where Hodges was enamored by the intense use of color, as he describes, “this layering, layering, layering of material, to the point where what’s being covered, its identity, seemed to start being erased by the accumulation of color.”
Run Squirrel, Run

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