Wednesday, October 16, 2013

mossy canberra davis

"Work lovingly done is the secret of all order and all happiness."   Pierre-Auguste Renoir
(take this one with a grain of salt-  remember he ran away from home!)

Ugh, spent the morning getting myself poked for the biannual blood-letting.  Usually they can't find blood veins in my body-  apparently it's just ice water (ask my husband).  Anyway, after that I was supposed to go get a chest X-ray so I sat watching HGTV there for a while until they could figure out what to do with me.  Oh well, I got another hexagon finished.  Here Molly is resting on them.

I stuck 'em all together and my afghan is now about 12" x 18".  Wow, I thought it would be about done by now!

Next I have a whole series of different doc appointments-  I made about ten dates yesterday and unfortunately they could all take me this and next week.  Somewhere along the line I lost one of my medical cards so both docs this morning almost sent me on my way.  When I got home I found it but that was after I rummaged through stacks of paid bills looking to see if I even had that insurance still!  All is well AND I will be getting a duplicate card in the mail.  Which led me to the other twelve messes on my desk, not including all the filing I neglect so easily.  But I stuck to it and got it all cleaned up now, at least until today's mail shows up.  I need a secretary, or better yet, a wife.

Peruvian artist Ana Teresa Barboza.  Amazing!

Online contest decorating Darth Vader masks produced these"
Hayden Kays – May the fork be with you

Joana Vasconcelos – Crochet Vader

                           Mr. Brainwash – Campbell’s Condensed Trooper Spray, 
                             which would go so well with my Andy Warhol shoes!
(LOVE these shoes, I've had them 15 years!)

And finally, a friend sent me this horsy picture because it reminded her of the (sob) quilt I just finished.  P'tui.

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