Wednesday, November 27, 2013

manila boss immigrate

There is a small opening in the day that closes when you begin to plan.   David White 

how to make an apple swan:
Oh, do apple swans jump the shark?   oops, guess I won't make any.

Cheesecake, cranberry chutney, and two stuffings in the refrigerator, ready to toss around a bit and stick in the oven .  tomorrow is Pie Day- I remembered to take the dough out of the freezer that I made last trip-  just hope I have enough apples once I get started peeling and chunking.  Iam thinking I should get the apples ready first, then decide whether it will be a free-form pie or I have enough for the two crust piled-high traditional version.  

TY will be here in the morning and time will just evaporate through the weekend as I try to get it all done.  My Last Thanksgiving-  from now on somebody will have to feed me instead.  I'd say 40 years of cooking is enough, don't you?  My problem is that Thanksgiving is the worse meal for me-  I am not a real fan to turkey and this meal leaves NO room for messing around-  the menu is prescribed specifically to only have the same things that were eaten through childhood.  Or else. Not much fun for the cook.  OK, so I sneak in extra ginger here and there, or I use chorica in the stuffing but that doesn't do it for me.  But I do love that Thanksgiving isn't fraught with emotional overtones, no gifts, no expectations, no holiday songs-  just football and food!  

Anyway, my attentions are not really on this meal, I am actually back on the studio full force thinking about the piece on the wall I am itching to get at.  I had a dress with a digital print on it that never fit so I've cut it up and want it to be the base for the next piece.  I also want to use just stuff I have lying around, and not buy anything.  And it needs to be big this time, possibly several units layered but that will work itself out when I get going.  Can't wait.  This one I may even try to detail as I go...if I remember.  And all is going well.  And the creek don't rise.  You know how it is.

So, I'll let you go for now with these reminders of why you're here-  too see some Odd Art!  this time it's all books, all pop-up books-  so cool, wish I had them in person...

Kelly Campbell Berry, Book Art-   ArtfuLiving by Kelly Campbell Berry

Colette Fu has been making pop-up books for the better part of five years. The Philadelphia-based artist brings her photography to life by adding traditional moveable book mechanisms like pull tabs, rotating disks and complicated folds. She’s made pop-ups about her travels, done work for commercial clients like Sephora and documented oddball places like the National Museum of Roller Skating in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Her most recent series, “We Are the Tiger Dragon People,” is a deep dive into the world of China’s Yunnan Province, an area of China where 25 of the country’s total 55 minority tribes reside. Since 2008 Fu, who has roots in Yunnan, has documented the minority tribes in the region, and returned home to translate those photographs into intricate, 3-D books that tell the story of her subject

spelling aside, a good message!

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