Sunday, December 22, 2013

mommy heresy dope

Work cures everything.   Henri Matisse

  • Everyone is a leader.
    Growth happens. Whenever it does, allow it to emerge. Learn to follow when it makes sense. Let anyone lead.

Ever see those Glamor Shots places in the Maul?  Here's what they do to make you spiffy for your picture on the back of the novel you are thinking about writing.  May I suggest re-thinking your portrait?  Like on Facebook, use that picture from 1973 where you are standing on steps to some temple in some foreign country looking pensive in your backpack.  And thin.  Here's what they do to you in the Maul Studio-
age & feathers, just feathers, bling-blong and leather
be-dazzles and denim, gloves, and hair-to-the-max

Oh damn, did I just ruin your Christmas surprise in the TJMaxx frame?  He'll thank me.

and how's 'bout some art?

Alexandra Drenth amazing embroidery:  Watch the video of a recent show she was in at the World of Threads Festival. Her work is gorgeous and I am so jealous!

Found something else I do NOT want for Christmas:
My poor brain just doesn't stretch that far.  
We went to the local Dairy Queen after dinner last night and for the first time I was able to get a SMALL scoop in a cup and not have them tell me that I wasn't a kid and they couldn't do that.  It was $2 and damn good for a non-premium blend.  

I am going to lobby for DQ whenever somebody suggests ice cream from now on, 

I shouldn't even be talking about ice cream...

so, more art, anybody?

These sketches by Nagai Hideyuki are a perfect example from the 21 year old Japanese artist who creates drawings that seem to leap out of the sketchbook before your very eyes. It’s amazing to see what can be done with just a pencil and paper and the right angle for capturing a photo. The way he uses lighting, shading, and anamorphosis to create these 3D images is reminiscent of MC Escher but even more mind-blowing.

In closing, I thought I might include a couple of pictures of the grandkids instead of the usual alligators and squirrels and ravens.  

to all my kids, and youse guys too!

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