Thursday, January 02, 2014

bookseller okay csnet

Laughed when I saw this, reminded me of my fire-and-brimstone religious upbringing that I have pretty much gotten over!  My minister back then was my exact image of Ichabod Crane, a scary guy who reprimanded me for holding a book 'wrong' (balanced on two outstretched hands), resulting in me giving up the heaven-or-hell idea.
 I figured god didn't much care how I held a book, I was ten.  Have been a Skeptic ever since.

Throw open your window and let the scenery of clouds and sky enter your room.  Yosa Buson

Don’t be cool. 

Cool is conservative fear dressed in black. Free yourself from limits of this sort.
(well put.  guess I'll dump some of the 'cool' clothes'.)

Just finished ordering some huge dog food bags that my daughter suggested I try-  grain free and in flavors that I think *I* might try if the dogs won't eat it!  Roasted bison and venison?  Pass that roast right over here!  Smoked salmon?  I don't even care if it's farmed or wild, I love salmon.  Anyway 90#s of kibble are winging their way to me from whatever 'prairie' they catch these guys on.  We are hoping that the grain-free stuff will stop some of the itching that's going on here-  nothing the vet does helps, and we are going through benedril like crazy so we can all sleep at night.   So, that's what's happening around here.  Headed for the studio to mindlessly stitch my little heart out for a few hours.  
And then, since my knitting arm seems to be at least tentatively OK, I'll start the second golf club cozy this afternoon.  Finished the first on last night, and let's just say it's UNCONVENTIONAL. I'm making all three different but using the same yarns.  Unfortunately they are for the 'Play for Pink' tournament fundraiser auction so really have to be  (ugh)  pink.  TY checked online to see what knitted sets of golf club covers go for and it's around $100 for a set of three so I am happy with that!  Since they are so much simpler to do than socks, I figure a pair of socks would hover around $75.  And that absolutely squashes any intent to ever make anybody socks!  See?  A lesson in everything!

Perhaps one of the best street-art interventions of the year comes at the very end. Daniel Siering and Mario Shu developed a unique strategy for their site-specific public project in Potsdam, Germany. By wrapping a tree and covering the wrapping with incredibly detailed spray-paint, the duo manages to perfectly capture a stunning sinhle-point perspective which gives the illusion that the tree is bisected, with the top half mysteriously floating above the fields and horizon in the background.  

Happy National Science Fiction Day, Isaac Asimov's birthday!  Want to know some of his predictions from the early 60's for today?  Here's some of the fascinating ideas he foresaw.

Does this qualify as a landscape?   In one of his most ambitious book sculptures to date artist Guy Laramée created an homage to the printed Encyclopedia Britannica by transforming a 24-volume set into a sloping mountainous landscape. Titled Adieu, Laramée says the work was inspired in part by Encyclopedia Britannica’s announcement that after 244 years the would cease printing its iconic multi-volume book sets. Wonderful way to use up all those obsolete encyclopedias!  

Continuing along the sort-of landscape theme, here's
 “Gray Squirrel” 2013, Watercolour & coloured pencil, 23 × 29 cm (9 × 11½ in)British artist Matthew Nicholas presents his stunning nature-themed portfolio. Enjoy his work and find out more by visiting his website.  Beautifully drawn, eh?

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