Friday, January 17, 2014

eightfold eventuate consensus

The best ideas come when you are relaxed and alone.  Michael Gelb

I arrived back in FL last night and we headed right to the restaurant where I got a well deserved glass of wine after a harrowing bumpy ride next to some ADD business man who insisted on keeping his elbow on top of my tv controller.  I kept seeing the stations flip by, or the volume went wayyyy up in my earphones, or everything just shut down-  constantly.  He fiddled with about four bags all through the trip and even was making calls and telling us all around him about his important business deals.  Aaarugh.  Then the final insult, when I finally arrived, my ride was 45 minutes getting to me because he thought my bag would take a long time.  Yeah, it was circling the carousel when I got down to that area.  To add insult to a bad trip, it was freakin' COLD out there, I had to put my winter coat back on that I wore to the airport in Boston.  Anyway, that's a chapter done.  
Today I am back to telling Molly she really isn't ugly without her fur, her cone is really cute, and I love getting her cone jammed into the back of my legs. Poor thing, she has scratched off all there face hair now, we're dealing with some sort of mite that infects her follicles and so far I don't see that the powerful medicine is doing it's job.  Back to the vet Monday.
I drove TY to the airport this morning, then hit therapy and it killed me after being on my own for a week.    I know it's getting better, the therapist told me so, but I still am having major trouble with whatever it is she means when she says extensions.  Working on getting my arm behind my back, hurts big time.  Ha, I thought I'd be through by now, ain't gonna happen
I've spent the day cleaning up, food shopping, and putting stuff away because my friend is due tomorrow-  three days, three visits to the airport!  Tomorrow I tackle making beds and dusting-  can't wait for her to get here so we can relax and NOT do anything!  

Oh, I got a new license plate for the front of my car, waiting for me when I got in:
'The EARTH Without Art is Just 'EH.''
Screwed it on the front of the Mini real tight.  Hope somebody notices.

 Artist Hong Yi uses flower petals to construct birds.

And more birds, Laura Higgins cross-stitched with negative shapes.

And hats off to this guy who has the Guiness record  for knitting while running!  He clips it up around him as he goes so he doesn't trip.  I don't know why...
UPDATE (I found the info on him):  How long a scarf could you knit while running a full marathon? For David Babcock, it's 12 feet, 1 and 3/4 inches long. He set this record in October in Kansas City, breaking the previous record of 6 feet, 9 inches set by Susie Hewer in London last April. The task took Mr. Babcock 5 hours, 48 minutes and 27 seconds.

And a classy squirrel mug!  

FREE FREE FREE  Don't forget to check in February 1st!  FREE FREE FREE

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