Thursday, January 16, 2014

pneumatic ernst actinometer

Perfection is a goal that guarantees failure.  Sheldon Kopp

Headed out to the MFA in a little while, part of Mister's Art Education.  Yeah, he's seven weeks old and doesn't seem to like yellow abstract expressionist work so far.  I hear there's an amazing B&W photographic show of images taken by Afghani women, so we'll test him on that thinking maybe the high contrast will grab him.  We'll have a quick dinner (baby allowing) and get home early. 
Update, baby did allow it, he is incredible, sort of moves his arms a little when he's in deep distress.  Like when I made him look at a Max Beckman picture of skulls.  He doesn't know how to CRY, but he is starting to make little 'eh' noises.  Why did I have kids that howled day and night?  Anyway, this kid is a full major joy to be around.
Update II:  the Afghani women's (It turned out they were Iraqi women) photographs were taken down but instead I got to see about 6 rooms of Sargent watercolors-  gorgeous!  And an entire hallway of Rembrandt etchings.  Amazing!  
 Then tonight I pack and do the once-over cleaning preparing for my flight home tomorrow.   today!  

Still waiting for the handy-guy to come back and fix the toilet, but it doesn't look like it will be fixed on my watch even though I tried.  At least the water has been turned off and the damn thing has stopped it's constant faux-flushing.  
(not the actual toilet under discussion, but might as well be)

Enuf whining, on with the art- today it's all about RE-USE, starting with cardboard!

Dylan Shields, an artist based in London, creates sculptures that investigate the relationship between classical sculpture and contemporary materials.The sculptures further explore and build upon the existent relationship between canonical works of art (in this case and its contexts within modern society by creating them out of cardboard, a relatively new (ish) material in the realm of art-making. He uses re-cycled cardboard and parcel tape to produce work that is at both familiar yet fresh by its original use of form and perspective.“It has been a process of trial and error to perfect my style. One of the challenges of working with cardboard is the limitation of its flexibility. Also, sourcing the right colors has been difficult as I don’t paint the sculptures, so the colors have to come from the cardboard.”

Here's a little something I found on Tumblr advertising a class in Chicago on how to screen print fabric to use on a wall. She is peeling it off in the video, exactly what I want to do.  I did walls with sheets yeas ago, installed strapping around the edges and stapled it up gathered-  looked way cool but that's too fussy for what I want.  I also already have the antique wallpaper and might want to use it somewhere else some day.  SOOoooo: off to Google I went-  I found a tutorial on how to make the cornstarch 'glue' to stick it up HERE.  I know, a little of the screen here, but I want to put up some wallpaper on one wall, but want to be able to remove it without damage.  
IF you want to come help, I have two ladders...

Irish graffiti artist Maser has transformed a derelict gas station in Limerick City, Ireland, into a unique public art installation inspired by Ed Ruscha, an American artist associated with the Pop art movement. The project titled "No.27 - A Nod To Ed Ruscha" was created as part of a transformative urban art project collaboration between City Council and youth worker Catherine O'Hallora. "I converted a derelict petrol station in Limerick city into an interactive installation, as part of a an urban art project." says Maser, "My work often boldly juxtaposes old and new, past and present in the architectural elements, the visual grammar and choice of pallet. I hope to create work that surprises people and questions their relationship with the familiar and the norm and also how dissociated we are from the space around us."

And finally, before I go get suited up and leave, a little reminder of 'home' even though it's not quite as un-decorated as this (I have a ceiling, for instance).  My other reserved squirrel picture just happens to be another nest of sleeping little guys so I'll save it for another time.  And if that doesn't get you coming back, I don't know what will!

And with that, I'm off to the airport!  See you tomorrow.  Tonight I play with the doggies.  

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