Just as good, isn’t. Julia Child
Well a couple of you oily boids requested the pdf Friday, and I've been getting feedback. The thing is, this is not a list of rules, just a bunch of suggestions, gentle ones, for moving up a notch.
UNfortunately, today I had to stop and get some little furniture protector pads from Home Depot, and I got home late to find that the Old Couch has been removed by a bunch of willing caddies here. Ralph got the vacuum out and even picked up the toys Elias left under the couch over a year ago (I don't clean...) and we are ready for the New Couches to be delivered tomorrow. BUT the rug had to be rotated and the ridiculously heavy coffee table had to be moved so I did it myself as I always do. And guess whose 3 months of physical therapy has been rendered null and void... Yup, I screwed up the shoulder again- typing now with one hand. I'm going to now go find the heating pad and the Advil and sit like a lady the rest of the day- though I don't know where since all I've got now is the dirty rug. (He just got the vacuum OUT, he didn't do anything as drastic as actually turn it on!) And the empty room has the doggies all befuddled so they are following me like a couple of beached clams- out of their element where there are comfy couches to curl up on. It just occurred to me that tv watching tonight is gonna be a bit difficult too. First I'll go heat up and chill out and try not to not worry.
John Baldessari sings Sol Le Witt
There is more to most things than meets the eye and Victor Nunes is very good at discovering these things. Given any object, from foil pill packaging to pencil shavings, Nunes can come up with numerous new ways to transform them into something new. Combining simple sketches with 3d objects like food, matches, and scissors, inanimate pieces come to life. Nunes comes up with new quirky collections regularly,
So, hows about some men's fashion from a few decades ago? This will make you cringe---
Nehru jacket on Sammy with necklaces
And here's my Squirrel of the Day
W.B. Yeats:
To a Squirrel at Kyle-na-gno
COME play with me;
Why should you run
Through the shaking tree
As though I’d a gun
To strike you dead?
When all I would do
Is to scratch your head
And let you go.
(thanks to MaryBeth, one of my squirrel clippers out there!)

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